Digital Electronics
ISBN: 9788131520710

Digital Electronics
ISBN: 9789386858375
Higher Education
Author(s): Charles H. Roth, Jr. | Larry L. Kinney | Raghunandan G. H.
ISBN: 9789353502355
1st Edition
Copyright: 2019
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 728
Trim Size : 241 x 181 mm
This book is targeted towards beginners who aspire to learn the fundamental concepts of analog and digital electronics. The concepts are explained in a simple and lucid manner. Some of the real-time applications of the concepts are discussed. Numerous examples based on the concepts enable the readers to understand the subject clearly. This book covers the syllabus of major universities with systematic presentation.
The book comprises of two parts, namely, Part A: Analog Electronics - which covers 9 chapters and Part B: Digital Electronics - which covers 13 chapters. Each unit consists of objectives which state precisely what the student is expected to learn, followed by the concepts, solved problems, review questions, and also real-time applications to make the concepts clear. The students learn, both, theory and its application. Additional study material, answers to review questions, and Lab Manual are provided in the Cengage App.
Part - A Analog Electronics
Unit 1 Introduction to Electronics
Unit 2 Semiconductor Diodes and Application
Unit 3 Bipolar Junction Transistors
Unit 4 BJT Biasing
Unit 5 Field Effect Transistors
Unit 6 Introduction to Operational Amplifier
Unit 7 Operational Amplifier Applications Circuits
Unit 8 Voltage Regulator
Unit 9 D to A and A to D Converters
Part - B Digital Electronics
Unit 1 Introduction to Electronics Number systems and conversion
Unit 2 Boolean Algebra
Unit 3 Boolean Algebra (Continued)
Unit 4 Applications of Boolean Algebra Minterm and Maxterm Expansions
Unit 5 Karnaugh Maps
Unit 6 Quine-McCluskey Method
Unit 7
Unit 8 Combinational Circuit Design and Simulation Using Gates
Unit 9 Multiplexers, Decoders, and Programmable Logic Devices
Unit 10 Introduction to VHDL
Unit 11 Latches and Flip-Flops
Unit 12 Registers and Counters
Unit 13 Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits
Note: Contents in the App.
Charles H. Roth, Jr.
Charles H. Roth, Jr., is Professor Emeritus in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, where he taught Digital Design for more than 4 decades. He is the author of Fundamentals of Logic Design, which is in its sixth edition, and Digital Systems Design using VHDL, which is in its second edition.
Larry L. Kinney
Larry L. Kinney is Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He received his Ph.D.