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Business & Society: Ethics, Sustainability & Stakeholder Management with MindTap

Author(s): Archie B. Carroll | Jill Brown | Ann K. Buchholtz

ISBN: 9789355737823

10th Edition

Copyright: 2018


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 800

Trim Size : 254 x 203 mm

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Gain a strong understanding of the importance of business ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management from a strong managerial perspective with Carroll, Brown and Buchholtz’s BUSINESS AND SOCIETY: ETHICS, SUSTAINABILITY, AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT, 10E. You will discover, first-hand, how today’s most successful business decision makers both balance and protect the interests of various stakeholders, including investors, employees, consumers, the community, and the environment. You learn how strong business decisions making skills are particularly critical as businesses recover from a perilous financial period. You also examine the social, legal, political, and ethical responsibilities of a business to all external and internal groups that have a stake, or interest, in that business. In addition, BUSINESS AND SOCIETY: ETHICS, SUSTAINABILITY, AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT, 10E is available with MindTap, an integrated text and online learning solution that enhances understanding of course content and offers opportunities to extend learning.

  • CONVENIENT CASE CORRELATION GUIDE HELPS YOU SELECT THE BEST CASES FOR EACH POINT IN YOUR COURSE. This edition’s useful Case Matrix suggests appropriate chapters for incorporating each of the end-of-text cases, while still providing you with the ultimate flexibility in case usage.
  • CASES PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES TO APPLY CSR ANALYSIS, STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS, AND ETHICAL DECISION MAKING. End-of-text cases offer new and updated coverage of relevant real-world concepts. Cases vary in length and include classic cases with ongoing impact as well as cases that feature the most recent developments. Some of the newer cases focus on challenges faced by familiar companies, such as Apple, Volkswagen, and Chipotle. A convenient Case Matrix makes it simple to incorporate cases into your course at ideal times.
  • "ETHICS IN PRACTICE" CASES FEATURE ACTUAL ETHICAL CHALLENGES IN TODAY’S WORKPLACE. Fresh, new "Ethics in Practice" (EIP) Cases woven throughout this edition prepare future managers for business and organizational situations that will test both values and ethics. Short cases feature actual ethical conflicts companies face as well as dilemmas that former students have confronted personally in their work experiences. New and updated EIPs address current social and ethical issues in the news.
  • CHAPTER LEARNING OUTCOMES GUIDE STUDENTS’ FOCUS. Focused Learning Outcomes articulate learning goals for each chapter and provide a consistent structure for self-testing and review.
  • "ETHICS IN PRACTICE" CASE GUIDE ASSISTS IN MOST EFFECTIVELY INTEGRATING CASES INTO YOUR COURSE. The helpful "Ethics in Practice" Case Matrix offers at-a-glance suggestions for linking this edition’s "Ethics in Practice" Cases to particular chapters. This tool makes it simple for you to assign appropriate cases at times that will be most meaningful for your students.
  • ENGAGING ONLINE RESOURCES INCLUDE MINDTAP® COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Students have the opportunity to apply real-world applications of chapter concepts through Videos and "In the News" features. Practice and Graded Quizzes help your students master key concepts for each chapter.
  • BOOK OFFERS STRENGTHENED FOCUS ON MANAGERIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS. This increased emphasis provides a greater "leadership" slant toward management.
  • MEDIA QUIZZES-- Videos connect the text’s concepts with current, real-world situations. The videos are viewable online and include accompanying assessment questions with immediate scoring and feedback.
  • IN THE NEWS-- Author-created assessments challenge students to apply their understanding of the material to relevant.
  • UPDATES AND EXPANDED DISCUSSIONS CONCENTRATE ON GLOBAL ETHICS. Students review international issues, including the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh and corruption challenges throughout the world.
  • UPDATES EMPHASIZE BUSINESS AND GOVERNMENT RELATIONSHIPS. This edition highlights new controversies regarding the Glass-Steagall Act and the advent of new business opportunities for U.S. businesses after diplomatic relations were renewed with Cuba.
  • EXPANDED COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS THE LATEST EMERGING DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FIELD. This edition addresses developing topics, such as "Ages and Stages of CSR," "political corporate social responsibility" (PCSR), CSR greenwashing, creating shared value, and conscious capitalism.
  • INFUSION OF CURRENT RESEARCH EMPHASIZES CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT. You will find coverage of the latest developments in corporate governance and stakeholder management combined with interesting and unique online MindTap® assignments to ensure understanding. Your students will gain an appreciation for current events that are grounded in theoretical and practical frameworks.
  • UPDATES TO CORPORATION GOVERNANCE KEEP THIS COVERAGE CURRENT. This edition now addresses important new topics related to corporate governance, including Say-on-Pay controversies, CEO/worker pay ratios, the increasing influence of shareholder activism and shareholder engagement.
  • EREADER (Text)-- The MindTap Reader allows students the opportunity to make notes or highlights in-text, view notes or highlights from their instructor, and have content read aloud to them.
  • NEW AND UPDATED EXAMPLES DEMONSTRATE CONCEPTS IN ACTION IN BUSINESS TODAY. Students remember the principles they are learning throughout this edition as they view stakeholder management in actual practice.
  • BOOK BALANCES STRONG COVERAGE OF ETHICS AND THE STAKEHOLDER MODEL WITH SPECIAL FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY. This edition focuses even more attention on one of business’s most recent, urgent mandates: sustainability. This edition’s increased emphasis on sustainability clearly reflects the interconnectivity between business and the natural, social, and financial environments, illustrating how all three must be maintained in balance to sustain current and future generations.



1. The Business and Society Relationship.

2. Corporate Social Responsibility, Citizenship, and Sustainability.

3. The Stakeholder Approach to Business, Society, and Ethics.


4. Corporate Governance: Foundational Issues.

5. Strategic Management and Corporate Public Affairs.

6. Risk, Issue, and Crisis Management.


7. Business Ethics Essentials

8. Managerial and Organizational Ethics.

9. Business Ethics and Technology.

10. Ethical Issues in the Global Arena.


11. Business, Government, and Regulation.

12. Business Influence on Government and Public Policy.

13. Consumer Stakeholders: Information Issues

14. Consumer Stakeholders: Product and Service Issues.

15. Sustainability and the Natural Environment.

16. Business and Community Stakeholders.


17. Employee Stakeholders and Workplace Issues.

18. Employee Stakeholders: Privacy, Safety, and Health.

19. Employment Discrimination and Workplace Diversity



Dr. Archie B. Carroll

Dr. Archie B. Carroll is the Robert W. Scherer Chair of Management and Corporate Public Affairs, emeritus, and professor of management emeritus in the Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. He also served as part-time director of the Nonprofit Management and Community Service Program in the Terry College. Dr. Carroll received his undergraduate, master's and doctorate degrees from the Florida State University in Tallahassee. He is the co-author of CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY: THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE (Cambridge University Press, 2012), which won the Academy of Management, Social Issues in Management (SIM), Book of the Year in 2014. He was recognized in 2012 with the first Lifetime Achievement Award in Corporate Social Responsibility given by the Institute of Management, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Dr. Carroll has published numerous books, chapters, articles and encyclopedia entries. His research has appeared in numerous professional journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Business and Society, Journal of Management, Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics: A European Review. He has served on the editorial review boards of Business and Society, Business Ethics Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management and the Journal of Public Affairs. Professionally, he is former division chair of the Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division of the Academy of Management, a founding board member and fellow of the International Association for Business and Society (IABS) and past president of the Society for Business Ethics. He was elected fellow of the Southern Management Association in 1995 and fellow of the Academy of Management in 2005.



Dr. Jill Brown

Dr. Jill Brown is the Hieken Professor of Business Ethics and professor of management at Bentley University. She also serves as a faculty fellow for Bentley’s Hoffman Center for Business Ethics. She received her Ph.D. at the University of Georgia. Dr. Brown's research and teaching interests include ethics, corporate social responsibility, corporate governance and strategic leadership -- with a focus on understanding how businesses can create both financial and social value. Dr. Brown’s work has been published in the Journal of Business Ethics, Business & Society, Organization Science, Business Ethics Quarterly, the Journal of Management Studies, the Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategic Organization and Corporate Governance: An International Review. She serves as co-editor of the Business & Society journal, which is a journal dedicated to examining social issues at the intersection of business and society. Dr. Brown served for several years as section editor of the "Teaching Business Ethics" section of the Journal of Business Ethics. She is currently an associate editor for Corporate Governance: An International Review and serves on the editorial review board of Business and Society. Dr. Brown has served in many leadership capacities for the SIM (Social Issues in Management) Division at the Academy of Management, including program chair and division chair. During her term as division chair, she established several new committees to address contemporary issues, including the SIM Racial Justice and Communications Committees. She is a former representative-at-large of the International Association of Business and Society (IABS), an international organization committed to understanding relationships between business, government and society.


Dr. Ann K. Buchholtz

The late Dr. Ann K. Buchholtz was professor of leadership and ethics and research director of the Institute for Ethical Leadership in the Rutgers Business School at Rutgers University. She received her Ph.D. from the Stern School of Business at New York University. Dr. Buchholtz's research focused on the social and ethical implications of corporate governance, in particular, and the relationship of business and society, in general. Her work has appeared in Business and Society, Business Ethics Quarterly, the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Management, Organization Science, the Journal of Management Studies and Corporate Governance and International Review. She served on the editorial boards of Business and Society and Business Ethics Quarterly. Her teaching and consulting activities focused on business ethics, social issues, strategic leadership and corporate governance. Her service learning activities in the classroom received a Trailblazer Advocate of the Year award from the Domestic Violence Council of Northeast Georgia. She was also the recipient of numerous teaching awards, including Profound Effect on a Student Leader. In addition, she was named senior teaching fellow at the University of Georgia. Dr. Buchholtz served as division chair of the social issues in the management division of the Academy of Management. She also served on the board of governors of the Academy of Management and the ethics task force that designed a code of ethics for the Academy. She became the inaugural chairperson of the Academy's Ethics Adjudication Committee when the code was put into effect. In 2015, she received the Sumner Marcus Award from the SIM Division of the Academy of Management.