Higher Education

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Cases in Business Ethics (Print on Demand)

Author(s): Marianne M. Jennings

ISBN: 9788131505106

1st Edition

Copyright: 2008


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 482

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'This text provides a thorough training and thought-provoking experience on business ethics. To teach students the critical skill of applying ethical principles in a business setting, this text pulls together from the author's vast teaching and business experience an incredible array of real-life examples of ethical dilemmas, poor ethical choices, and wise ethical decisions from newspapers, business journals and the author's own experiences as a consultant and board member. Case studies coupled with the text's readings apply theory to reality in order to nurture or reinforce a needed sense of values in future business leaders.
'A new Unit I provides a detailed, general introduction to and overview for the study of ethics, before bringing in the business component. The materials in this unit serve as the foundation for the study of particular issues in business ethics * New/Updated Case Studies * Discussion Questions at the end of each and every reading and case study * A combination of both short and long cases, readings, hypothetical situations, and up-to-the-moment current, ongoing, and real ethical dilemmas provide students with an extremely well-rounded picture of the importance and pervasiveness of ethical decision making in business * Many classic cases/readings are included and integrated throughout the text
'1. Foundations of Ethics: Virtue And Values 2. Foundations of Business Ethics: Virtue, Values, And Business 3. Foundations of Business Ethics: What Is The Role Of Business In Society? Shareholders Vs. Stakeholders 4. Individual Values And The Business Organization 5. Individual Rights And The Business Organization 6. Business Operations: Financial Issues 7. Business Operations: Workplace Safety Risks And International Operations 8. Business And Its Competition 9. Business And Its Product 10. Business And Government 11. Ethics And Nonprofits Section A: Ethics And Nonprofits
'Marianne M. Jennings, Arizona State University