Higher Education

Civil Engineering Materials (Print on Demand)

Author(s): Nagaratnam Sivakugan | Carthigesu T. Gnanendran | Rabin Tuladhar | M. Bobby Kannan

ISBN: 9789386650382

1st Edition

Copyright: 2018


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 512

Trim Size : 254 x 203 mm

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CIVIL ENGINEERING MATERIALS prepares you for today’s engineering challenges, providing a broad overview of the materials you will use in your studies and career. You are not only introduced to traditional materials, such as concrete, steel, timber, and soils, but you also explore important non-traditional materials, such as synthetics and industrial-by products. The authors use a wealth of practical examples and straight-forward explanations to ensure you gain a full understanding of the characteristics and behavior of various materials, how they interact, and how to best utilize and combine traditional and non-traditional materials. While emphasizing the effective use of civil engineering materials, the authors carefully consider sustainability to give you a broader context of how materials are current used in contemporary applications.

  • COMPLETE CONTENT COVERS BROAD RANGE OF MATERIALS USED IN CIVIL ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION. Students gain an understanding of both the traditional and non-traditional materials used in construction, as well as an appreciation for the characteristics and behavior of the materials.
  • STUDENTS LEARN HOW BUILDING MATERIALS REACT. Students learn the details necessary to ensure solid future construction design as the book emphasizes how today’s engineering materials will respond structurally in various circumstances.
  • BOOK ADDRESSES IMPORTANT ISSUES OF SUSTAINABILITY. Content addresses both life cycle assessments and sustainable use of today’s civil engineering materials.
  • BOOK EMPHASIZES CROSS-DISCIPLINARY INFORMATION. The authors take a popular and useful cross-disciplinary approach to the subject of civil engineering materials with key chapters on geothermic and soil. Students can apply what they’re learning to other disciplines.
  • CONTENT PROVIDES STRONG DEPTH AND BREADTH. The authors address virtually all possible civil engineering materials while still providing a depth of detail for each material that ensures full understanding.
  • BOOK FEATURES A UNIQUE FLEXIBLE, MODULAR APPROACH. As an instructor, you have the freedom to change the order of chapter presentation to best fit your course. You can even omit a chapter or two as needed without losing the book’s sense of continuity.
  • CONTENT PREPARES READERS FOR FURTHER DETAILED STUDY. The book’s broad-brush treatment effectively prepares readers for further additional study of specialized subjects covering concrete, steel, timber and soils in subsequent semesters.
  • SIMPLE EXPLANATIONS AND CLEAR APPROACH ENSURE MASTERY. The authors apply their wealth of experience to provide a strong practical bias with engaging real world problems and distinctive illustrations that aid your students in mastery of the subject.
  • Includes Mindtap which is an interactive, customizable and complete learning solution. It includes a MindTap Reader and a library of learning apps (e.g., CNOW, Aplia, ReadSpeaker, Merriam-Webster dictionary, MyContent, RSS Feed, Kaltura, Progress app, etc.).


Introduction. Stress-strain relations and constitutive models. Types of loadings. Special loading situations. Laboratory measurements and measuring devices. Material variability and sample statistics. Summary. Worked examples. Exercises. References.


Introduction. Atomic structure and bonding. Arrangement of atoms. Classification of materials. Imperfections in materials. Strengthening of materials. Microscopic examination of materials. Summary. Worked examples. Exercises. References.


Introduction. Engineering applications. Formation of soils and simple geology. Soils vs. other materials. Soil classification. Compaction and earthworks. Strength and stiffness. Permeability. Measurement of soil properties. New materials. Summary. Worked examples. Exercises. References. 


Introduction. Rock engineering applications. Intact rock and rock mass. Strength and stiffness of intact rocks. Laboratory tests for intact rocks. Rock mass classification. Summary. Worked examples. Exercises. References.


Introduction. Origin, geology and classification of aggregates. Physical properties and testing of aggregates. Uses of aggregates. Light weight aggregates. Handling, transportation and storage of aggregates. Summary. Worked examples. Exercises. References.


Introduction. Types of geosynthetics, polymers used, manufacture and common use. Properties and testing of geosynthetics. Functions, mechanisms and engineering applications. Selection of geosynthetics. Summary. Worked examples. Exercises. References.


Introduction. Types of asphalt cement (i.e. bituminous materials). Properties and testing of asphalt cement (i.e. bitumen). Bituminous surfacing treatments and sealing. Production of asphalt (i.e. asphalt concrete). Asphalt additives. Types of asphalt. Asphalt mix design. Laboratory testing and Characterisation of asphalt. Recycling of asphalt. Summary. Worked examples. Exercises. References.


Introduction. Constituents of concrete. Different stages of concrete. Properties of fresh concrete. Early age performance of concrete. Site practice of concrete. Properties of hardened concrete. Concrete mix design. Summary. Worked examples. Exercises. References.


Introduction. Ferrous alloys. Non-ferrous alloys. Fabrication. Failure. Summary. Worked examples. Exercises. References.

10. STEEL.

Introduction. Production of steel. Types of structural steel. Physical properties of steel. Mechanical properties of structural steel. Summary. Worked examples. Exercises. References.


Introduction. Polymers. Ceramics. Composites. Summary. Worked examples. Exercises, References.


Introduction. Anatomy of tree trunk. Structure of timber. Moisture content in timber. Defects in Timber. Structural timber. Mechanical and physical properties of timber. Durability of timber. Summary. Worked examples. Exercises. References.


Introduction. Triple bottom line. Life-cycle-assessment. Carbon footprint of construction materials. Sustainable use of different construction materials. Recycle and reuse. Summary. Exercises. References.

Nagaratnam Sivakugan, James Cook University, Australia

Dr. Sivakugan received his Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, with First Class Honors. He earned his MSCE and Ph.D. from Purdue University, West Lafayette, U.S.A. Dr. Sivakugan’s writings include six books, 120 refereed international journal papers, 80 refereed international conference papers, and more than 100 consulting reports. As a registered professional engineer of Queensland and a chartered professional engineer, Dr. Sivakugan does substantial consulting work for the geotechnical and mining industry in Australia and overseas, including the World Bank. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and Engineers Australia. He has supervised 13 Ph.D. students to completion at James Cook University, Queensland, Australia, where he was the Head of Civil Engineering from 2003 to 2014.


Carthigesu T. Gnanendran, The University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy

Dr. Gnanendran finished his Ph.D. at University of Western Ontario, Canada and taught at University of New Brunswick for three years before joining University of New South Wales at Canberra, Australia. He is an Associate Editor for the Canadian Geotechnical Journal and serves on the editorial board of Geotextiles and Geomembranes. His research interests include geosynthetics and pavements, where he has supervised 10 Ph.D. students to completion. Prior to his academic career, Dr. Gnanendran worked for several years in multinational consulting companies in Nigeria, Canada, and Sri Lanka.


Rabin Tuladhar, James Cook University

Dr. Tuladhar received his Ph.D. from Saitama University, Japan, and worked at University of Canterbury, New Zealand, before joining James Cook University, where he is the Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning at the College of Science, Technology and Engineering. His research interests include innovate construction materials, durability of concrete, sustainability and life cycle assessment.


M. Bobby Kannan, James Cook University

Dr. Mathan completed his Ph.D. at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, and worked at Monash University for three years before joining James Cook University, Australia. His research interests include corrosion and biomaterials where he has completed ground breaking research during the past 10 years.

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