Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C
ISBN: 9788131503140
Higher Education
Author(s): Richard F. Gilberg | Behrouz A. Forouzan
ISBN: 9789390555314
2nd Edition
Copyright: 2007
Binding: eBook
This second edition expands upon the solid, practical foundation established in the first edition of the text. A new four-part organizational structure increases the usability of the text, and all material is presented in a straightforward manner accompanied by an array of examples and visual diagrams.
* Simplifies learning the design of algorithms using pseudocode with this non-theoretical and practical approach to teaching * Eases into a solid working knowledge of data structures by deemphasizing the use of formal mathematical proofs * Enhances students? knowledge of the C programming language through building algorithms and trees. * Reinforces concepts learned with fully updated exercises and projects at the end of every chapter
* Part I: Introduction 1. Basic Concepts 2. Recursion * Part II: Linear Lists 3. Stacks 4. Queues 5. General Linear Lists * Part III: Non-Linear Lists 6. Introduction to Trees 7. Binary Search Trees 8. AVL Search Trees 9. Heaps 10. Multiway Trees 11. Graphs * Part IV: Sorting and Searching 12. Sorting 13. Searching * Appendices A: ASCII Tables B: Structure Charts C: Integer and Float Libraries D: Selected C Libraries E: Mathematical Series and Recursive Relations F: Array Implementations of Stacks and Queues
Richard F. Gilberg DeAnza College "Behrouz A. Forouzan DeAnza College
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