Higher Education

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Digital System Design Using VHDL (Print on Demand)

Author(s): Lizy Kurian John | Charles H. Roth Jr.

ISBN: 9788131518304

2nd Edition

Copyright: 2012


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 592

Trim Size : 241 X 181 mm

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' Written for an advanced-level course in digital systems design, DIGITAL SYSTEMS DESIGN USING VHDL integrates the use of the industry-standard hardware description language VHDL into the digital design process. Following a review of basic concepts of logic design, the author introduces the basics of VHDL, and then incorporates more coverage of advanced VHDL topics. Rather than simply teach VHDL as a programming language, this book emphasizes the practical use of VHDL in the digital design process.

'  Material is presented in a generalized fashion, with references to specific products as examples, to enhance understanding of the basic principles in the construction of programmable devices. A variety of examples are presented so that instructors can their favorite designs for teaching. A full set of PowerPoint Slides including all of the images from the text is availbale for download from this site. Several new design examples have been added as well as many new problems. A more detailed treatment of microprogramming is given. A brief treatment of software design flow including principles of mapping, placement, and routing has been added. Brand new Chapter 9 including MIPS instruction set and design of MIPS processor. Synthesis is introduced early in the text and emphasis is placed on writing synthesizable VHDL Code. IEEE standard packages and libraries are used throughout.  
'1. Review of Logic Design Fundamentals 2. Introduction to VHDL 3. Introduction to Programmable Logic Devices 4. Design Examples 5. SM Charts and Microprogramming 6. Designing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays 7. Floating-Point Arithmetic 8. Additional Topics in VHDL 9. Design of a Risc Microprocessor 10. Hardware Testing and Design for Testability 11. Additional Design Examples Appendix A VHDL Language Summary Appendix B IEEE Standard Libraries Appendix C TEXTIO Package Appendix D Projects References
'Charles H. Roth, Jr. - University of Texas, Austin Lizy Kurian John - University of Texas, Austin