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eBook for Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer

Author(s): P.S. Ghoshdastidar

ISBN: 9789353504786

1st Edition

Copyright: 2017


Binding: eBook

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Computational Fluid Dynamics (abbreviated as CFD) is a subject which deals with solution of fluid dynamics and heat transfer problems using numerical methods which can be programmed on computer. Engineers today can make use of CFD tools to simulate fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena in a design and predict the system performance before manufacturing. The present text introduces CFD to beginners in an easy-to-understand manner. Advanced students will also find this book useful.  This is an invaluable textbook for postgraduate Mechanical, Aerospace, Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering students. Undergraduate students would also find in it a useful reference for their projects.

  • Lucid explanations to enable a student to self-learn.
  • Includes a large number of problems of varying complexity and detailed solution procedures.
  • Emphasis on physical understanding of the problems.
  • Although the book primarily follows finite difference method of discretization it covers also other important methods such as finite volume and finite element.
  • Includes a chapter on advanced topics, e.g., Multigrid Method and Grid Generation.
  • The appendices consist of refresher materials on important numerical methods.
  • Exercise Problems.

1. Introduction

2. Partial Differential Equations

3. Introduction to Finite Difference, Numerical Errors, and Accuracy

4. Numerical Methods for Conduction Heat Transfer

5. Numerical Methods for Incompressible Fluid Flow

6. Numerical Methods for Convection Heat Transfer

7. Advanced Topics



P.S. Ghoshdastidar

Dr P.S. Ghoshdastidar is Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.