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eBook for UNIX and Shell Programming

Author(s): Behrouz A. Forouzan | Richard F. Gilberg

ISBN: 9789353505820

1st Edition

Copyright: 2003


Binding: eBook

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Designed as one of the first true textbooks on how to use the UNIX operating system and suitable for a wide variety of UNIX-based courses, UNIX and Shell Programming goes beyond providing a reference of commands to offer a guide to basic commands and shell programming. Forouzan/Gilberg begin by introducing students to basic commands and tools of the powerful UNIX operating system. The authors then present simple scriptwriting concepts, and cover all material required for understanding shells (e.g., Regular Expressions, grep, sed, and awk) before introducing material on the Korn, C, and Bourne shells. Throughout, in-text learning aids encourage active learning and rich visuals support concept presentation. For example, sessions use color so students can easily distinguish user input from computer output. In addition, illustrative figures help student visualize what the command is doing. Each chapter concludes with problems, including lab sessions where students work on the computer and complete sessions step-by-step. This approach has proven to be successful when teaching this material in the classroom.

A highly visual presentation includes 300 figures to assist in the introduction of new commands, over 400 sessions that illustrate the use of a command and related computer output, and 125 scripts to help students with shell programming. A second color enables students to easily distinguish user output from computer output. The authors teach students how to use shells as a command interpreter (Parts I and II) and as a programming tool (Part III). This allows users to progress from a basic interactive user to a writer of shell programs. An innovative approach to introducing Regular Expressions appears in Chapter 9, with components of regular expressions (atoms and operators) discussed and compared to mathematical expressions with which students are familiar (operand and operator). In addition to a variety of review questions, end-of-chapter material includes lab session exercises to provide students with the opportunity to work hands-on with the material The text's appendices include a rich supply of supplemental material, including EMACS, the history of UNIX, a summary of UNIX commands, and the differences between the Korn and C shells * Material for a wide spectrum of Introductory UNIX courses, ranging from user familiarization to shell programming is provided. The preface offers a number of topic ordering options * The discussion of each shell follows a common organizational structure: interactive shell commands, basic shell commands, and advanced shell commands. End-of-chapter material provides students with the opportunity to work hands-on with the material. For example, lab sessions provide students hands-on experience working with UNIX commands and scripts

PART I: INTRODUCTION Why Unix? Computer System The UNIX Environment. UNIX Structure. Accessing UNIX. Commands. Common Commands. Other Useful Commands. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. BASIC vi EDITOR. Editor Concepts. The vi Editor. Modes. Commands. Two Practice Sessions. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. FILE SYSTEMS. Filenames. File Types. Regular Files. Directories. File System Implementation. Operations Unique to Directories. Operations Unique to Regular Files. Operations Common to Both. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions SECURITY AND FILE PERMISSION. Users and Groups. Security Levels. Changing Permissions. User Masks. Changing Ownership and Group. Key Terms. Commands. Tips. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. INTRODUCTION TO SHELLS. UNIX Session. Standard Streams. Redirection. Pipes. tee Command. Command Execution. Command-Line Editing. Quotes. Command Substitution. Job control. Aliases. Variables. Predefined Variables. Options. Shell/Environment Customization. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. FILTERS. Filters and Pipes. Concatenating Files. Display Beginning and End of Files. Cut and Paste. Sorting. Translating Characters. Files with Duplicate Lines. Count Characters, Words, or Lines. Comparing Files. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. COMMUNICATIONS. User Communication. Electronic Mail. Remote Access. File Transfer. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. vi AND ex. vi Editor. Local Commands in vi. Range Commands in vi. Global Commands in vi. Rearrange Text in vi. ex Editor. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. REGULAR EXPRESSIONS. Atoms. Operators. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. grep. Operation. grep Family. Examples. Searching for File Content. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. sed. Scripts. Operations. Addresses. Commands. Applications. grep and sed. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. awk. Execution. Fields and Records. Scripts. Operations. Patterns. Actions. Associative Arrays. String Functions. Mathematical Functions. User-Defined Functions. Using System Commands in awk. Applications. awk and grep. sed and awk. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. *PART II. INTERACTIVE KORN SHELL. Korn Shell Features. Two Special Files. Variables. Output. Input. Exit Status of a Command. eval Command. Environmental Variables. Options. Startup Scripts. Command History. Command Execution Process. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. KORN SHELL PROGRAMMING. Basic Script Concepts. Expressions. Decisions: Making Selections. Repetition. Special Parameters and Variables. Changing Positional Parameters. Argument Validation. Debugging Scripts. Script Examples. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. KORN SHELL ADVANCED PROGRAMMING. Variable Evaluation and Substitution. String Manipulation. Here Document. Functions. Arrays. Signals. Built-in Commands. Scripting Techniques. Shell Environment and Script. Script Examples. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. INTERACTIVE C SHELL. C Shell Features. Two Special Files. Variables. Output. Input. Exit Status of a Command. eval Command. Environmental Variables. On-Off Variables. Startup and Shutdown Scripts. Command History. Command Execution Scripts. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. C SHELL PROGRAMMING. Basic Script Concepts. Expressions. Decisions: Making Selections. Repetition. Special Parameters. Changing Positional Parameters. Argument Validation. Debugging Scripts. Script Examples. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. C SHELL ADVANCED PROGRAMMING. Variable Evaluation. String Manipulation. Here Document. Signals. Built-in Commands. Scripting Techniques. Shell Environment and Script. Arrays. Script Examples. Key Terms. Tips. Commands. Summary. Practice Set. Lab Sessions. *Appendix A: ASCII Table. *Appendix B: A Short History. *Appendix C: emacs. *Appendix D: Numbering Systems. *Appendix E: Predefined Variables. *Appendix F: UNIX Commands. *Appendix G: Shell Metacharacters. *Appendix H: Korn and C Shell Differences. *Glossary.

Behrouz A. Forouzan, De Anza College Richard F. Gilberg, De Anza College, M.S., National University