Higher Education

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Engineering Mechanics (As per AICTE Model Curriculum 2018)

Author(s): Manoj K. Harbola

ISBN: 9788131518298

2nd Edition

Copyright: 2012


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 608

Trim Size : 241 X 181 mm

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Engineering Mechanics (2e) is a comprehensive textbook suitable for a single-semester undergraduate course. It covers statics and dynamics, starting with a review of vector algebra and Newton's laws. The statics section covers equilibrium, trusses, friction, and the method of virtual work. Dynamics topics include momentum, work, rotational dynamics, and harmonic oscillators. The book features numerous solved examples, end-of-chapter exercises, conceptual checkpoints, and chapter summaries to reinforce learning and problem-solving skills. It’s clear and easy-to-understand writing style makes it an ideal resource for engineering students.

  • Three comprehensive chapters on rotational dynamics which students usually find difficult to understand.
  • High-quality 3D illustrations which give a real-world feel to the concepts discussed
  • A comprehensive collection of solved examples to hone problem-solving skills
  • Extensive end-of-chapter exercises that incorporate practical problems and multiple choice questions
  • In-text conceptual checkpoints that test students’ understanding

1. Review of Newton’s Laws of Motion and Vector Algebra
2. Equilibrium of Bodies
3. Plane Trusses
4. Friction
5. Properties of Plane Surfaces
6. Method of Virtual Work
7. Motion of Particles
8. Momentum
9. Work and Energy in One Dimension
10. Work and Energy in Three Dimensions
11. Rotational Dynamics I: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies and Angular Momentum
12. Rotational Dynamics II: Rotation About a Fixed Axis
13. Rotational Dynamics III: General Three-Dimensional Rotation, Angular Velocity, and Angular Momentum
14. Simple Harmonic Oscillator
15. Motion in Non-inertial Frames

Appendix A         Dimensional Analysis 
Appendix B         Some Standard Mathematical Formulae 
Appendix C         Solutions of Some Standard Linear Differential Equations of up to Second Order 

Manoj K. Harbola

Professor - Department of Physics at IIT Kanpur.