Higher Education
Author(s): Mike W. Peng | Dr. Dheeraj Sharma
ISBN: 9788131533130
1st Edition
Copyright: 2017
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 364
Trim Size : 279 x 216
4LTR Press, a Cengage Learning product, is a widely acclaimed concept of learning with a simple approach—creating an innovative teaching and learning solution built around today’s learners and teachers. The idea behind bringing out this series of books is to introduce students and teachers in India to an innovative concept in management studies. Since the launch, 4LTR Press has helped more than 1,800,000 college students at over 2,000 schools succeed worldwide.
GLOBAL, a 4LTR Press product, takes into account and integrates the inputs from discipline-specific focus groups, conversations, and surveys; and presents the content in a visually-engaging page layout, keeping intact the high-quality content instructors need. It adopts a persuasive visual medium and offers a balanced approach providing an overall business perspective (as opposed to a functional view) grounded in a global environment. The book aims at enjoyable reading and easy attention using comprehensive pedagogical features.
Chapter 1 Globalizing Business
Chapter 2 Understanding Politics, Laws, & Economics
Chapter 3 Emphasizing Cultures, Ethics, & Norms
Chapter 4 Leveraging Resources & Capabilities
Chapter 5 Trading Internationally
Chapter 6 Investing Abroad Directly
Chapter 7 Dealing with Foreign Exchange
Chapter 8 Capitalizing on Global & Regional Integration
Chapter 9 Growing & Internationalizing the Entrepreneurial Firm
Chapter 10 Entering Foreign Markets
Chapter 11 Making Alliances & Acquisitions Work
Chapter 12 Strategizing, Structuring, & Learning Around the World
Chapter 13 Managing Human Resources Globally
Chapter 14 Managing Corporate Social Responsibility Globally
PengAtlas Maps
Dheeraj Sharma
Dr Dheeraj Sharma is a Professor in Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India. Dr Sharma is also Chairperson of marketing area. Dr. Sharma earned his doctoral degree with major marketing and double minor in psychology and quantitative analysis from Louisiana Tech University, USA. He has taught and presented research at numerous education institutions in North America, Europe and Asia.
Dr. Sharma has over one hundred publications in leading international journals, encyclopedias, books, conference proceedings among other prominent publications. Dr Sharma has authored five books on marketing, consumer behavior, B2B marketing management, cross-cultural research, and leadership. He has four upcoming books on international business, sport marketing management, healthcare management in India, and talent management in India.