JEE (Advanced) Trigonometry
JEE (Advanced) Algebra
JEE (Advanced) Coordinate Geometry
JEE (Advanced) Calculus
Test Prep
Author(s): G. Tewani
ISBN: 9789360535575
3rd Edition
Copyright: 2024
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 322
Trim Size : 279 x 216 mm
JEE (Advanced) Vectors and 3D Geometry, a Cengage Exam Crack Series® product, is designed to help aspiring engineers focus on the subject of mathematics from two standpoints:
Each book in this series approaches the subject in a very conceptual and coherent manner. While its illustrative, solved examples facilitate easy mastering of the concepts and their applications, an array of solved problems exposes the students to a variety of questions that they can expect in the examination. The coverage and features of this series of books make it highly useful for all those preparing for JEE Main and Advanced and aspiring to become engineers.
Appendix: Chapterwise Solved JEE Main 2024 Questions (All 10 Sets of Session 1) (Solutions on Cengage Digital App)
Logarithm and its Applications : An approach to learn logarithm and its implementation in Mathematics
Graphs for JEE Main and Advanced
JEE (Main) Mathematics: Part 2
JEE (Main) Mathematics: Part 1
JEE Objective Mathematics: Part 1
JEE Objective Mathematics: Part 2
JEE (Main) Mathematics
Hybrid DPP Mathematics JEE (Main & Advanced)
JEE (Main) Mathematics
JEE (Advanced) Trigonometry
JEE (Advanced) Algebra
JEE (Advanced) Coordinate Geometry
JEE (Advanced) Calculus