Higher Education

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Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills

Author(s): Andrew J. DuBrin

ISBN: 9789360531591

9th Edition

Copyright: 2019


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 464

Trim Size : 279 x 216 mm

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A practical, skill-building approach to teaching leadership, LEADERSHIP provides an ideal balance of essential theory and real-world applications.

  • Chapter Outlines giving the reader a quick overview of the topics covered
  • Learning Objectives to help focus the reader’s attention on major outcomes
  • Boldfaced key terms listed at the end of the chapter and defined in a Glossary at   the back of the textbook
  • Real-life and hypothetical examples throughout the textbook
  • Leader in Action inserts describing the leadership practices, behaviors, and personal attributes of real-life leaders
  • Leadership Self-Assessment Quizzes relating to both skills and personal characteristics
  • Leadership Skill-Building Exercises, including role plays, to emphasize the activities and skills of effective leaders
  • End-of-chapter Summaries that integrate all key topics and concepts
  • End-of-chapter Guidelines for Action and Skill Development, giving additional suggestions for improving leadership skill and practice
  • Discussion Questions and Activities suited for individual or group analysis
  • Two Leadership Case Problems per chapter, which illustrate the major theme of the chapter and contain questions for individual or group analysis
  • Role plays accompanying all the case problems to help reinforce the opportunity for learning interpersonal skills within the case problems
  • A Leadership Portfolio skill-building exercise in each chapter that instructs the student to record progress in developing leadership skills and behaviors
  1. The Nature and Importance of Leadership
  2. Traits, Motives, and Characteristics of Leaders
  3. Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
  4. Leadership Behaviors, Attitudes, and Styles
  5. Contingency and Situational Leadership
  6. Leadership Ethics and Social Responsibility
  7. Power, Politics, and Leadership
  8. Influence Tactics of Leaders
  9. Developing Teamwork
  10. Motivation and Coaching Skills
  11. Creativity, Innovation, and Leadership
  12. Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills
  13. Strategic Leadership and Knowledge Management
  14. International and Culturally Diverse Aspects of Leadership
  15. Leadership Development and Succession

Andrew J. DuBrin

Andrew J. DuBrin is professor emeritus of management in the E. Philip Saunders College of Business at the Rochester Institute of Technology, where he served as department chairman and team leader.