Higher Education

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Personality Theories

Author(s): Barbara Engler

ISBN: 9789355732255

9th Edition

Copyright: 2014


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 528

Trim Size : 241 x 181 mm

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The Ninth Edition of PERSONALITY THEORIES continues to provide thorough coverage enhanced with helpful learning aids, opportunities for honing critical thinking skills, and integration of multicultural and gender-related issues. Each chapter focuses on one theory or group of theories and includes brief biographies that shed light on how the theories were formed. The author also provides criteria for evaluating each theory and cites current relevant research. A final chapter on Zen Buddhism covers a major non-Western theory of personality and serves to distinguish this program in the field.

  • To help students read with a sense of purpose and review important points quickly, each

chapter opens with a list called “Your Goals for This Chapter” and ends with a “Summary,”

whose items are keyed to each goal.

  • Thinking Critically” activities appear in each chapter. These boxes ask students to revisit

material in the chapter and reconsider it or apply it critically. The “Personal Experiences”

feature offers still another opportunity for students to thoughtfully consider the material.

  • The “Philosophical Assumptions” boxes (with accompanying scale on the inside back

cover) give students an opportunity to compare and contrast their own philosophical

views with those of the theorist at hand

CHAPTER 1  Introduction: Evaluating Personality Theories

CHAPTER 2  Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud

CHAPTER 3 Analytical Psychology: Carl Jung

CHAPTER 4  Interpsychic Theories: Alfred Adler, Harry Stack Sullivan

CHAPTER 5  Psychoanalytic Social Psychology: Karen Horney, Erich Fromm

CHAPTER 6  Ego Analytic Psychology: Anna Freud, Erik Erikson, Dan McAdams

CHAPTER 7  Human Relations: Object Relations Theory, Relational-Cultural Theory

CHAPTER 8 Experimental Analysis of Behavior: John Dollard and Neal Miller, B. F. Skinner

CHAPTER 9 Social Learning Theories: Albert Bandura, Julian Rotter, Walter Mischel

CHAPTER 10 Traits and Personology: Gordon Allport, Henry Murray

CHAPTER 11  Factor Analytic, Genetic and Evolutionary Theories: Raymond Cattell, The Big Five           Personality Traits, Genetic and Evolutionary Developments

CHAPTER 12 Biological Traits: Hans Eysenck

CHAPTER 13 Humanism: Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers

CHAPTER 14 Existential Psychoanalysis: Rollo May

CHAPTER 15 Personal Constructs: George Kelly 377

CHAPTER 16 Cognitive-Behavioral Theories: Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck, Arnold Lazarus

CHAPTER 17  Zen Buddhism


Barbara Engler

Barbara Engler was a professor of psychology at Union County College in Cranford, New Jersey, where she taught the undergraduate personality theory course for 25 years. She received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Drew University in 1969. Dr. Engler has taught at Fairleigh Dickinson and Seton Hall Universities and has contributed articles and reviews to such publications as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and Contemporary Psychology.