C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
ISBN: 9788131521571

A First Book of C++
ISBN: 9788131532713
Higher Education
Author(s): Kyla Mcmullen, Elizabeth Matthews, June Jamrich Parsons
ISBN: 9789360537753
1st Edition
Copyright: 2022
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 608
Trim Size : 279 x 216 mm
Using a beginner's approach that's ideal for anyone who has never programmed, McMullen/Matthews/Parsons PROGRAMMING WITH C++ helps you develop a useful understanding of computer science while equipping you with the skills to use C++ programming language. This interesting, straightforward approach to programming emphasizes fundamental computer concepts using a programming language-independent approach and clear presentation with little technical jargon.
1. Computational Thinking
2. Programming Tools
3. Literals, Variables, and Constants
4. Numeric Data Types and Expressions
5. Character and String Data Types
6. Selection Control Structures
7. Repetition Control Structures
8. Arrays
9. Functions
10. Recursion
11. Exceptions
12. File Operations
13. Classes and Objects
14. Methods
15. Encapsulation
16. Inheritance
17. Polymorphism
18. Templates
19. Basic Linear Data Structures
20. Stacks, Queues, Hash Tables
21. Trees and Graphs
22. Algorithm Complexity and Big O Notation
23. Search Algorithms
24. Sorting Algorithms
Additional Modules
25. Processor Architecture
26. Data Representation
27. Programming Paradigms
28. Human Computer Interaction
29. Programming Methodologies and Principles
30. Design Tools
31. UML
Kyla McMullen
Kyla McMullen is a tenure-track faculty member in the University of Florida's Computer & Information Sciences & Engineering Department.
Elizabeth Matthews
Elizabeth "Liz" A. Matthews is an assistant professor of computer science at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia.
June Jamrich Parsons
June Jamrich Parsons is an educator, digital book pioneer, co-author of Texty and McGuffey award-winning textbooks and a TAA fellow.