Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
ISBN: 9789386668004

Fundamentals Of Python: First Programs
ISBN: 9789360531027
Higher Education
Author(s): Kyla Mcmullen, Elizabeth Matthews, June Jamrich Parsons
ISBN: 9789360534783
1st Edition
Copyright: 2023
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 560
Trim Size : 279 x 216 mm
Ideal for anyone who has never programmed, McMullen/Matthews/Parsons' PROGRAMMING WITH PYTHON uses a beginner's approach that combines conceptual content with rich examples and hands-on learning activities. Straightforward and student friendly, it emphasizes fundamental computer concepts from a Python programming perspective using a clear presentation with little technical jargon. Modules introduce important computer science concepts, procedural programming and object-oriented programming in short segments, while real-world examples, streamlined code and descriptive figures help you better understand today's computing concepts. As you strengthen your computer science knowledge, you will also sharpen critical-thinking and problem-solving skills -- and build confidence.
1. Computational Thinking.
2. Programming Tools.
3. Literals, Variables, and Constants.
4. Numeric Data Types and Expressions.
5. Character and String Data Types.
6. Decision Control Structures.
7. Repetition Control Structures.
8. Lists.
9. Functions.
10. Exceptions.
11. File Operations.
12. Recursion.
13. Modules.
14. Classes and Objects.
15. Methods.
16. Encapsulation.
17. Inheritance.
18. Polymorphism.
19. Linked List Data Structures.
20. Stacks, Queues, and Tables.
21. Trees and Graphs.
22. Algorithm Complexity and Big-O Notation.
23. Search Algorithms.
24. Sorting Algorithms.
25. Processor Architecture.
26. Data Representation.
27. Programming Paradigms.
28. User Interfaces.
29. Software Development Methodologies.
30. Pseudocode, Flowcharts, and Decision Tables.
31. Unified Modeling Language.
Kyla McMullen
Kyla McMullen is a tenure-track faculty member in the University of Florida's Computer & Information Sciences & Engineering Department.
Elizabeth Matthews
Elizabeth "Liz" A. Matthews is an assistant professor of computer science at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia.
June Jamrich Parsons
June Jamrich Parsons is an educator, digital book pioneer, co-author of Texty and McGuffey award-winning textbooks and a TAA fellow.