Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISBN: 9788131501726

Linear Algebra : A Modern Introduction
ISBN: 9788131530245

Contemporary Abstract Algebra
ISBN: 9789353502522

eBook for Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISBN: 9789353505592
Higher Education
Author(s): Thomas W. Hungerford
ISBN: 9788131525722
3rd Edition
Copyright: 2013
India Release: 2014
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 620
Trim Size: 241 x 181 mm
Abstract Algebra: An Introduction is set apart by its thematic development and organization. The chapters are organized around two themes: arithmetic and congruence. Each theme is developed first for the integers, then for polynomials, and finally for rings and groups. This enables students to see where many abstract concepts come from, why they are important, and how they relate to one another. New to this edition is a "groups first" option that enables those who prefer to cover groups before rings to do so easily.
Part 1 T he Core Course
1. Arithmetic in Z Revisited.
2. Congruence in Z and Modular Arithmetic
3. Rings
4. Arithmetic in F [x]
5. Congruence in F [x] and Congruence-Class Arithmetic
6. Ideals and Quotient Rings
7. Groups
8. Normal Subgroups and Quotient Groups
Part 2 Advanced Topics
9. Topics in Group Theory
10. Arithmetic in Integral Domains
11. Field Extensions
12. Galois Theory
Part 3 Excursions and Applications 8. Experiments.
13. Public-Key Cryptography
14. The Chinese Remainder Theorem
15. Geometric Constructions
16. Algebraic Coding Theory
Part 4 Appendices
A. Logic and Proof
B. Sets and Functions
C. Well Ordering and Induction
D . Equivalence Relations
E . The Binomial Theorem
F . Matrix Algebra
G . Polynomials
Thomas W. Hungerford
Thomas W. Hungerford received his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He has taught at the University of Washington and at Cleveland State University, and is now at St. Louis University. His research fields are algebra and mathematics education. He is the author of many notable books for undergraduate and graduate level courses.