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Analog and Digital Communications : Theory and Lab Work (Print on Demand)

Author(s): Abhay Gandhi

ISBN: 9788131525876

1st Edition

Copyright: 2015

India Release: 2014


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 912

Trim Size: 241 x 181 mm

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The field of communication engineering is witnessing sweeping changes and this trend will continue. With change being a constant, focus on the fundamentals is very important as it enables students in coping with the ever evolving technology. Meant for the undergraduate students of electronics and communication engineering, this textbook on “Analog and Digital Communications: Theory and Lab Work” focuses on the fundamental concepts with emphasis on practical applications. The book also facilitates the student to become a complete communications engineer who needs to master three areas - application of mathematics, circuit design and testing, and communication system simulation using software.

  • Focus on basic concepts with balance between mathematical analysis and practical aspects
  • Emphasis on demystifying the working of communication systems
  • Practical information about both American and Indian systems
  • Unique way of explaining digital communication systems (baseband and modulated)
  • Guidelines on using analog and digital oscilloscopes and spectrum analyzer
  • Circuit projects for “build-and-test” assignments
  • Simulation programs using Scilab. Scilab is an open-domain programming language similar to MATLABÒ
  • Exercises are embedded in text for consolidation of concepts, extension of topic, and  for self-study
  • Questions and problems are provided at the end of chapters to help students sharpen their understanding of the subject
  1. Introduction
  2. Signal Analysis Using the Fourier Transform
  3. Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes
  4. Transmission of Signals through Communication Channels
  5. Amplitude Modulation
  6. Angle Modulation
  7. Analog Communication Systems
  8. Signal Sampling Analog Pulse Communication
  9. Information Theory and Source Coding Methods
  10. Digital Baseband Transmission and Reception
  11. Digital Passband Transmission and Reception
  12. Advanced Digital Transmission Methods
  13. Information Theory and Error Control Coding
  14. Working in the Laboratory
  15. Working with Computers

Abhay Gandhi

Dr Abhay Gandhi is currently working as Professor at Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, VNIT (formerly, VRCE).