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Android Application Development for JAVA Programmers

Author(s): James Sheusi

ISBN: 9788131519035

1st Edition

Copyright: 2013

India Release: 2013


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 310

Trim Size: 241 X 181 mm

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The book "Android Application Development for Java Programmers" is a comprehensive tutorial suitable for various levels of programming experience. It explores the increasing popularity of handheld mobile devices and the Android operating system (OS). The book covers all aspects of developing Android applications, including configuration, user interface design, advanced features like GPS and networking, and database integration. The goal is to inspire readers to create their own mobile applications efficiently, even without owning an Android device.


  • This book includes complete source codes, not just pieces of sample code taken out of context.
  • Features how-to information about publishing your application.

1. Installation and Configuration of Your Development Platform.
2. Starting an Android Application Project.
3. Application Design.
4. Controls and the User Interface.
5. Basic Graphics by Extending the View Class.
6. Find a Location with Google Maps.
7. Multiscreen Applications.
8. Working with Images.
9. Text Files, Data Tables, and XML.
10. Client-Server Applications.
11. Publishing Your Application.
12. Applying the Principles.

James Sheusi

Associate professor and currently chair of the Department of Computer and Information Science in the School of Technology at Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island