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Career Counseling: A Holistic Approach

Author(s): Vernon G. Zunker

ISBN: 9789353503390

9th Edition

Copyright: 2016

India Release: 2019


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 528

Trim Size: 254 x 203 mm

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Providing the most current, comprehensive coverage available, CAREER COUNSELING: A HOLISTIC APPROACH, 9th Edition equips readers with a solid understanding of the theoretical models of career counseling as well as practical techniques on how to effectively counsel clients. The text's innovative holistic or “whole person” approach demonstrates how to consider a client's values, temperament, talents, and passions when trying to determine his or her best career fit. Thoroughly revised and updated, the ninth edition includes chapters on integrating career and personal counseling, job loss and transitions, adult career development, and career-related programs in middle schools. In addition, diversity issues are integrated throughout, while relevant case studies bring chapter concepts to life.

  • Extremely student friendly, Zunker's text clearly outlines and illustrates counseling models, helping students fully understand the various theories of career counseling and showing them how to effectively use them when dealing with clients. Theories are grouped together into four categories, demonstrating how each group of theories provides the foundation for the practice of career development.
  • To make students' study and preparation for the licensing examination easier, the text includes tables that summarize theories of career development and counseling models.
  • As demonstrated by the text's “A Holistic Approach” subtitle, the thoroughly revised ninth edition of this classic book reflects the growing emphasis on looking at the “whole person”-values, temperament, talents, and passions-to determine his or her best career fit.
  • Thorough diversity coverage includes “Diversity Issues” sections that highlight relevant research throughout the text as well as five chapters dedicated to career counseling for special populations.
  • Numerous charts, bulleted/numbered lists, dialogues, agency addresses, and lists of competencies and strategies help make the material accessible and practical.
  • The text's comprehensive coverage offers career guidance over the life span, including career guidance for school age children, college students, and adults in career transition.
  • Each chapter includes cases that illustrate chapter concepts in action, an end-of-chapter summary, references, and learning exercises to aid students in understanding and retaining the material.
  • Chapter 1 includes more information about how low wages in other countries has led to job loss for millions of Americans.
  • A summary of factors that promote feelings of well being in the workplace has been added to Chapter 5, and material on standardized tests has been updated in Chapter 6.
  • The connection between career development theories and counseling models is highlighted: Theories presented in Chapter 2 can now be matched with career counseling models discussed in Chapter 3 by a number assigned to each career counseling model.
  • The multipath model presented in Chapter 4 takes the position that human behavior is driven by biological, psychological, social, and socio-cultural elements.
  • Updated to reflect the latest developments, research, and techniques, this edition includes more research results from positive psychology and an increased focus on resiliency. New case studies have been added in several chapters, and references have been updated throughout.


1. Historical Development and Some Basic Issues.

2. Theories of Career Development.

3. Career Counseling Models.

4. Integrating Career and Personal Counseling.

5. Career Counseling Intake Interview.

6. Using Standardized Tests and Self-Assessment in Career Counseling.

7. The Impact of New Technology on Work, Career Development, and Learning Platforms.

8. On Being an Ethical Career Counselor.


9. Career Counseling for Multicultural Groups.

10. Gender Issues and Dual Careers.

11. Career Counseling for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Clients.

12. Career Counseling for individuals with Disabilities.


13. Job Loss and Transitions.

14. Career Development and Transitions of Working Adults.


15. Career-Related Programs for Career Development in Elementary Schools.

16. Career- Related Programs for Career Development in Middle School.

17. Career-Related Programs for Career Development in High School and Beyond..

Vernon Zunker

Vernon Zunker is a retired professor from Southwest Texas State University. He earned his Ed.D. with an emphasis on counseling from the University of Houston and completed a residency in clinical psychology at the University of Texas Medical School at Galveston. Although retired from teaching, Dr. Zunker continues to push the discipline forward by keeping career counseling relevant to all counseling students.