'This text allows students to learn the fundamental concepts in linear circuit analysis using a well-developed methodology that has been carefully refined through classroom use. Applying his many years of teaching experience, A. Bruce Carlson focuses the reader's attention on basic circuit concepts and modern analysis methods. He systematically unfolds each idea, covering studies of node and mesh equations, phasors, the s-domain, Fourier series, Laplace transforms and state variables in a practical "just-in-time" manner. In applying his methodology for study and understanding, each chapter begins with a list of action-oriented learning objectives and follows through to a summary of the major relevant points and relationships. He also provides students with an abundance of practical, worked examples and exercises to help them master the topics.
'* The author's approach supports the teaching of basic circuits concepts before students attempt design problems * Linear circuit analysis concepts are developed carefully from an introductory level before proceeding to higher abstractions * Clear and understandable instructional objectives guide students through each chapter, and chapter summaries reiterate key points * Useful and practical exercises and problems including 1,000 end of chapter problems (100+ involving design oriented calculations), 240 student exercises, and over 200 detailed examples to illustrate topics * Separate Appendixes on Matrix Algebra, PSpice, and MATLAB? show how to apply these computational techniques and tools to circuit analysis problems * Unique Instructor's Resource Guide contains PSpice Simulations, Laboratory Experiments, Alternative Examples, Transparency Masters and Test Questions with Solutions * Emphasis on modern engineering techniques, such as phasors, network functions, Laplace transforms, and state equations * Several real-world examples are integrated throughout the text to simulate student motivation. These examples often feature design considerations * The text has been organized with optional topics in self-contained sections or chapters to allow instructors maximum flexibility
'1. CIRCUIT VARIABLES AND LAWS Current, Voltage, and Power / Sources and Loads / Ohm''''s Law and Resistors / Kirchoff''''s Laws / Elementary Circuit Analysis / Summary / Problems 2. PROPERTIES OF RESISTIVE CIRCUITS Series and Parallel Resistance / Duality / Circuits with Controlled Sources / Linearity and Superposition / Th?venin and Norton Networks / Summary / Problems 3. APPLICATIONS OF RESISTIVE CIRCUITS Real Sources and Power Transfer / Amplifier Models / Op-Amps / Internal Op-Amp Resistances / DC Meters and Measurements / Summary / Problems 4. SYSTEMATIC ANALYSIS METHODS Node Analysis / Mesh Analysis / Systematic Analysis with Controlled Sources / Applications of Systematic Analysis / Node Analysis with Ideal Op-Amps / Delta-Wye Transformations / Summary / Problems 5. ENERGY STORAGE AND DYNAMIC CIRCUITS Capacitors / Inductors / Dynamic Circuits / Summary / Problems 6. AC CIRCUITS Phasors and the AC Steady State / Impedance and Admittance / AC Circuit Analysis / Phasor Diagrams and Resonance / AC Superposition / Impedance Bridges / Summary / Problems 7. AC POWER AND THREE-PHASE CIRCUITS Power in AC Circuits / Power Systems / Balanced Three-Phase Circuits / Unbalanced Three-Phase Circuits / Residential Circuits and Wiring / Summary / Problems 8. TRANSFORMERS AND MUTUAL INDUCTANCE Ideal Transformers / Magnetic Coupling and Mutual Inductance / Circuits with Mutual Inductance / Power Transformers / Summary / Problems 9. TRANSIENT RESPONSE First-Order Transients / Switched AC Transients / Second-Order Natural Response / Second-Order Transients / Summary / Problems 10. NETWORK FUNCTIONS AND s-DOMAIN ANALYSIS Complex Frequency and Generalized Impedance / Network Functions / Network Functions with Mutual Inductance / s-Domain Analysis / Network Scaling / Summary / Problems 11. FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND FILTERS Frequency Response / Filters / Op-Amp Filter Circuits / Bode Plots / Frequency-Response Design / Butterworth Filters / Summary / Problems 12. FOURIER SERIES ANALYSIS Periodic Waveforms and Fourier Series / Spectral Analysis of Periodic Waveforms / Spectral Circuit Analysis / Summary / Problems 13. LAPLACE ANALYSIS Laplace Transforms / Transform Inversion / Transform Circuit Analysis / Transform Analysis with Mutual Inductance / Impulses and Convolution / Summary / Problems 14. TWO-PORT NETWORKS Two-Ports and Impedance Parameters / Admittance, Hybrid, and Transmission Parameters / Circuit Analysis with Two-Ports / Summary / Problems 15. STATE VARIABLE ANALYSIS Introduction to State Variables / Circuit State Equations / Improper Circuits / Transform Solution of State Equations / Summary / Problems / APPENDIX A: MATRIX ALGEBRA / Matrix Equations and Determinants / Matrix Operations / APPENDIX B: CIRCUIT ANALYSIS WITH PSPICE / Introduction to PSpice / Resistive Circuits / AC Circuits / Transients / Frequency Response / PSpice Summary / Problems / APPENDIX C: CIRCUIT ANALYSIS WITH MATLAB? / Introduction to MATLAB? / Resistive Circuits / AC Circuits / Frequency Response / Laplace Transforms / TABLES OF MATHEMATIC RELATIONS / EXERCISE SOLUTIONS / ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS / INDEX
'A. Bruce Carlson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute