Higher Education

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Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems

Author(s): Stephen T. Thornton | Jerry B. Marion

ISBN: 9788131518472

5th Edition

Copyright: 2012

India Release: 2012


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 672

Trim Size: 241 X 181 mm

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This best-selling classical mechanics text, written for the advanced undergraduate one- or two-semester course, provides a complete account of the classical mechanics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies. Vector calculus is used extensively to explore topics.The Lagrangian formulation of mechanics is introduced early to show its powerful problem solving ability.. Modern notation and terminology are used throughout in support of the text's objective: to facilitate students' transition to advanced physics and the mathematical formalism needed for the quantum theory of physics. CLASSICAL DYNAMICS OF PARTICLES AND SYSTEMS can easily be used for a one- or two-semester course, depending on the instructor's choice of topics.

  • Written for maximum flexibility, this best-selling junior level mechanics text is easily adaptable to any length--one- or two-semester--or focus of course.
  • LAGRANGIAN and HAMILTONIAN DYNAMICS are introduced early in the text.
  • This text has an entire chapter on NONLINEAR METHODS.
  • NUMERICAL METHODS PROBLEMS are included for students to solve using a computer.

1. Matrices, Vectors, and Vector Calculus.
2. Newtonian Mechanics--Single Particle.
3. Oscillations.
4. Nonlinear Oscillations and Chaos.
5. Gravitation.
6. Some Methods in the Calculus of Variations.
7. Hamilton''s Principle--Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics.
8. Central-Force Motion.
9. Dynamics of a System of Particles.
10. Motion in a Noninertial Reference Frame.
11. Dynamics of Rigid Bodies.
12. Coupled Oscillations.
13. Continuous Systems: Waves.
14. The Special Theory of Relativity.
Appendices. Selected References. Bibliography. Answers to Even-Numbered Problems.

Stephen T. Thornton
Stephen Thornton is Professor of Physics at the University of Virginia.