eBook for Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights
ISBN: 9789353505042
Higher Education
Author(s): Shubham Singla | Charles E. Harris | Michael S. Pritchard | Michael J. Rabins | L. Thimmesha
ISBN: 9789386668479
1st Edition
Copyright: 2019
India Release: 2018
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 320
Trim Size: 241 x 181 mm
Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights is a fundamental book for all those who are seeking to learn about the Constitution of India, identify individual role and ethical responsibility towards society, and understand basic human rights in India and their implications. This book caters to students who are preparing for all types of State/National/Public sector examinations and all other general competitive examinations. At the end of chapters, practice questions with answer keys are given. The concepts are explained in simple and lucid manner for easy understanding of the students and with the perspective of taking up all upcoming competitive examinations. The book ensures coverage of the syllabus in entirety with newly inserted topics about professional ethics/integrity/engineering standards and intellectual property rights (IPR) information.
Chapter 1 Why Study the Constitution?
Chapter 2 Making of the Constitution
Chapter 3 Key Concepts in the Constitution of India
Chapter 4 Preamble to the Constitution
Chapter 5 Fundamental Rights (Art. 12-35)
Chapter 6 Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) and Fundamental Duties
Chapter 7 The Union Executive
Chapter 8 Union Legislature
Chapter 9 Union Judiciary and CAG
Chapter 10 The State Executive
Chapter 11 Election Systems in India and Election Related Laws
Chapter 12 Amendment of the Indian Constitution and Emergency Provision
Chapter 13 Panchayati Raj, Urban, Local Bodies, Cooperative Societies in India
Chapter 14 Professional Ethics
Chapter 15 Responsibility in Engineering Profession
Chapter 16 Trust and Reliability in Engineering Profession
Chapter 17 Risk and Liabilities in Engineering Profession
Shubham Singla
Shubham Singla, Chartered Accountant by qualification, is a Civil Services coach with more than eight years of experience. He has authored more than 10 books on Civil Services. His online brand PrepMate has more than 100,000 subscribers.
Charles E. (Ed) Harris
Charles E. (Ed) Harris, Jr., received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Vanderbilt University, having had an undergraduate major in biology and minor in chemistry. He is Professor of Philosophy and Sue and Harry Bovay Professor of the History and Ethics of Professional Engineering. His publications are primarily in applied ethics and engineering ethics.
Michael S. Pritchard
Michael S. Pritchard is Willard A. Brown Professor of Philosophy and Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Ethics in Society at Western Michigan University. His areas of teaching include ethics (theoretical and practical); the philosophies of David Hume, Adam Smith, and Thomas Reid; and the philosophical thinking of children. His publications are in the areas of ethical theory, practical and professional ethics, communication ethics, and philosophy for children. He is co-editor (with Elaine Englehardt) of TEACHING ETHICS, the official journal of the Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum.
Michael J. Rabins
Michael J. Rabins was active in ASME and other volunteer organizations on engineering ethics issues. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, and ended his teaching career at Texas A&M University. He helped establish a course in engineering ethics in 1989 that is now required of all engineering majors. Professor Rabins died in 2007.
L. Thimmesha
L. Thimmesha is Assistant Professor and HOD, Department of English and Humanities, Government College of Engineering, Hassan. He has more than 10 years of experience in teaching in the department of Humanities and Sciences. He is serving as the member of Board of Studies as well as Board of Education in several universities across Karnataka.