Control Systems
ISBN: 9788131518120

Digital Control Systems
ISBN: 9788131518359
Higher Education
Author(s): Muhammad H Rashid
ISBN: 9789353505455
1st Edition
Copyright: 2022
India Release: 2022
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 600
Trim Size: 279 x 216 mm
Drawing on experience as, both, an engineer and a recognized best-selling author, the author introduces theory and applications of control systems through numerous examples. This wonderful treatise speaks of the author’s immense knowledge; vast experience in teaching courses pertaining to modeling of physical system, control systems, electronics, power electronics, motor control, and integration of computer simulation tools; and also work experience as an instrumentation and control engineer in a refinery, and research and development engineer of industrial motor control.
Nowadays, the role of a control systems instructor has changed from explaining the theories through drawings, plots, and derivations to demonstrating the applications of the software tools that are based on the theories used to perform the analysis and design of control systems. This book emphasizes the importance of integrating computer software tools such as Mathcad for design verifications and evaluating system performances. For example, one can use Mathcad software to convert time domain functions to Laplace domain functions, and vice versa; solve partial fractions and time domain solutions directly; solve differential equations; and plot Bode and Nyquist diagrams. This textbook is designed for students pursuing BS/BE degree in engineering. The essential topics of control system are included in such a manner that they can be covered in a single semester of typically 14–15 weeks.
A course on control systems is usually required in electrical, electronics, mechanical, and chemical engineering UG curriculum and often in graduate programs.
I. Introduction to Control Systems and Signals
1 Introduction to Control Systems
2 Representations of Signals
II. Transfer Functions and Representations
3 Laplace Transforms and Applications
4 Transfer Functions of Physical Systems
5 Block-diagram Algebra and Transfer Functions of Systems
6 Signal-flow Diagrams
7 State–Variable Characterization
III. System Specifications
8 Transient and Frequency Responses of Second-order Systems
9 Steady-state Error and Sensitivity
IV. System Stability
10 Stability and Routh–Hurwitz Criterion
11 The Bode Diagrams and Stability
12 Nyquist Stability Criteria
13 Root-locus Diagrams
V. Design for Specifications
14 Design of Control Systems
VI. Discrete System
15 Sample-data Systems
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