Data Mining and Warehousing
ISBN: 9788131525869
Higher Education
Author(s): Hongbo Du
ISBN: 9788131519554
1st Edition
Copyright: 2013
India Release: 2013
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 334
Trim Size: 241 x 181 mm
This concise and approachable introduction to data mining selects a mixture of data mining techniques originating from statistics, machine learning and databases, and presents them in an algorithmic approach. Aimed primarily at undergraduate readers, it presents not only the fundamental principles and concepts of the subject in an easy-to-understand way, but also hands on, practical instruction on data mining techniques, that readers can put into practice as they go along using Weka toolkit.
1. Introduction
2. Principles of Data Mining
3. Data, Data Pre-processing and Data Exploration
4. Basic Techniques for Cluster Detection
5. Advanced Techniques for Cluster Detection
6. Decision Tree Induction Techniques for Classification
7. Other Techniques for Classification
8. Techniques for Boolean Association Rule Discovery
9. Techniques for Other Types of Association Rules
10. Data Mining in Practice.
Hongbo Du
Hongbo Du is a lecturer in the Applied Computing Department, University of Buckingham, and specializes in database systems and data mining.