eBook for Design Thinking: A framework for applying Design Thinking in Problem Solving
ISBN: 9789353507367
Higher Education
Author(s): Anuja Agarwal
ISBN: 9789353509019
1st Edition
Copyright: 2024
India Release: 2023
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 280
Trim Size: 241 x 181 mm
This book presents a well-researched framework of the design thinking approach to problem solving. It provides a practical approach for providing an end-to-end solution, starting from the pain points to the on-ground implementation of solutions. The difference between traditional thinking and design thinking is explained and elaborated with the help of practical examples.
The book presents 20 projects that can be undertaken using the design thinking framework and process. The genesis of the projects are the problems that can be solved using a human-centred approach as they pertain to our lives and lifestyles, and that perhaps affect our future generations if the problems they represent are left unattended. Accompanying the projects is a ‘project diary’, which the students may use as their workbook as they go about the problem-solving process.
1. Design Thinking Evolution
2. Design Thinking and Innovation
3. Design Thinking Imperative
4. Design Thinking Framework
5. Design Thinking Process: Phase I—Empathize
6. Design Thinking Process: Phase II—Define
7. Design Thinking Process: Phase III—Ideate
8. Design Learning Process: Phase IV—Prototype
9. Design Thinking Process: Phase V—Test
10. Design Thinking Process: Phase VI—Implement
11. Projects and Project Diary
PPSMTO Framework for Design Thinking
Cengage Digital App includes: flashcards, additional MCQs, additional problems (partially solved using the tools), additional examples to enumerate the design thinking process, video of case study on design thinking process, and videos on select topics.
Anuja Agarwal, PhD in Management Studies from Mumbai University, MCA from DAVV, and B.Sc. (Computer Science) from Delhi University, is the Founding Dean, Academics and Student Affairs, at Sitare University (India’s first 100% scholarship-based Computer Science University for underprivileged students), Indore, MP. She is a visiting faculty at IIT Bombay—Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management and is also an adjunct faculty at the K J Somaiya Institute of Management.
Previously, Dr Agarwal was Associate Dean of Technology Management at MPSTME, NMIMS Mumbai. She has 30 years of rich experience in teaching and research and specializes in Innovation, Design Thinking, and Innovation Management. Dr Agarwal has published several research papers in renowned journals and guides PhD students. She has received awards in Innovation, new academic program development, and Distinguished Women in Management.