Higher Education

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Electronic Circuits and Applications

Author(s): Muhammad H Rashid

ISBN: 9788131522844

1st Edition

Copyright: 2014

India Release: 2014


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 562

Trim Size: 241 x 181 mm

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After the course on Devices and Circuits, the focus of the next course for Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering students is on applications of devices and op-amps such as amplifying power signals, increasing bandwidth by feedback techniques, filtering signals for specified frequency range, generating self-oscillating sinusoidal waveforms and the fundamentals of the input stage of op-amps. This book focuses on the applications and detailed analysis of electronic circuits.

  • Combines a "breadth-first" approach to teaching electronics with a strong emphasis on electronics design and simulation
  • Puts emphasis on MOSFETs and active biasing techniques to allow students to move easily on to differential amplifiers and ICs
  • Discusses power amplifiers including MOSFET circuits with class C, D, and E amplifiers
  • Includes integrated PSpice/OrCAD examples for both analysis and design verifications
  • Helps develop an understanding of the principles and techniques in the applications of electronic circuits
  • Introduces students to the various elements of the engineering design process
  • Helps develop analytical skills and design techniques of feedback amplifiers, oscillators, power amplifiers, and electronic filters
  1. Differential Amplifiers
  2.  Feedback Amplifiers
  3.  Power Amplifiers
  4.  Active Filters
  5.  Oscillators

Muhammad H. Rashid

Prof. Rashid is currently professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of West Florida. He has been the director of the Department from 1997 to 2007.