'This book provides a broad and systematic introduction to microcontrollers. Through focusing on the 8051 8-bit microcontroller and its variants, the text aims at helping students learn about modern microcontroller interfacing and applications.
'* Presents basic concepts of computer hardware and software, microcontroller applications, the 8051 addressing modes, a subset of the 8051 instructions, and the program execution process * Every subject is presented in a step-by-step manner * Numerous examples are presented to demonstrate the use of each 8051 I/O function
'1. Introduction to Microcontroller and the Intel 8051 2. Introductory C8051 Assembly Programming 3. Assembly Programming and Simple I/O Operations 4. Advanced Assembly Programming and Subroutines 5. C Language Programming 6. Interrupts and Resets 7. Advanced Parallel I/O 8. Timers and Programmer Counter Array 9. Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver (UART) 10. Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters 11. I2C Bus and SMBus 12. The SPI Function 13. Controller Area Network (CAN) 14. Memory Subsystem * Appendix A. The 8051 Instruction Execution Times (Courtesy of Intel and Silabs) * Appendix B. Tutorial for Using the Keil?s mVision IDE Appendix C. Tutorial for Using the Raisonance?s Ride IDE * Appendix D. C8051F040 Special Function Registers * Appendix E. Procedure for Setting up HyperTerminal * References * Index
'Han-Way Huang, Minnesota State University, Mankota