Higher Education

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Engineering Chemistry

Author(s): Dr Prasanta Rath

ISBN: 9788131526699

1st Edition

Copyright: 2015

India Release: 2015


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 812

Trim Size: 241 x 181 mm

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This book addresses to the needs of the latest course curriculum in Engineering Chemistry for the first-year students of all branches of engineering. The concepts have been thoroughly explained with the help of numerous solved examples and well-labeled diagrams. A plethora of review questions given at the end of the chapter helps students test their understanding of the concepts. Emphasis also has been given to provide an exposure to the students the possible varieties of problems pertaining to a particular aspect.

  • Covers the undergraduate syllabus offered to the engineering students of all segments
  • Provides a right balance between the theory behind the concepts and their applications
  • Concepts explained with lot of examples and diagrams
  • Rich pedagogy to support and illustrate the material for easy and effective learning
  1. Structure and Bonding
  2. Coordination Compounds
  3. Chemical Thermodynamics
  4. Chemical Equilibrium
  5. Chemical Kinetics
  6. Phase Rule
  7. Solid state Chemistry
  8. Surface Chemistry
  9. Photochemistry
  10. Stereochemistry and Organic Reaction Mechanism
  11. Analytical Chemistry
  12. Electrochemistry
  13. Water
  14. Fuel and Combustion
  15. Inorganic Engineering Materials
  16. Composite Materials
  17. Nanomaterials
  18. Polymers
  19. Corrosion
  20. Catalysis
  21. Battery Technology
  22. Green Chemistry

Dr Prasanta Rath

Dr Prasanta Rath is Associate Professor, School of Applied Sciences (Chemistry Discipline), KIIT University.