This textbook has been written to satisfy the needs and expectations of engineering students from various institutes in India around the country. The engineering chemistry syllabi enlist topics from all the branches of chemistry, viz., inorganic, organic, physical, analytical, and material sciences. This book covers all these topics and presents simple, comprehensive, and illustrative concepts. It emphasizes more on fundamental aspects of chemistry to help students increase their logical ability and self-confidence in making the algorithm for new problems. Emphasis has also been given to providing exposure to the students about the possible varieties of problems pertaining to a particular aspect. The text has been organized in a format to suit classroom teaching. This approach will be useful to the faculty in teaching the subject. A careful methodological approach has been kept while dealing with conceptual and theoretical aspects of the topics. At chapter-end, quite a good number of questions are provided for practice, which will boost the confidence of learners as well as give them an idea of the typical questions asked in the examinations. The book also showcases a Lab Manual consisting of 15 laboratory experiments, providing the students with the much-needed practical knowledge of the subject. We hope this book will serve its purpose and create interest toward the subject in its readers. Any suggestion and constructive criticism for further development of the book is most welcome and will be incorporated in the next edition to enhance the book and make it error-free.
• Content is clear and easy to understand.
• Chapters are logically and sequentially organised.
• Many principles are demonstrated in an easy-to-understand manner.
• Numerous examples are provided to help students understand challenging concepts.
• Sufficient exercises are added to gauge students’ comprehension of the content covered.
• Lab exercise: The book comes with 15 laboratory experiments.
Online Material
Cengage Digital App includes: Practice problems, MCQs, and Self-assessments
1: Electrochemistry and Corrosion
2: Chemical Thermodynamics
3: Thermochemistry
4: Chemical Kinetics
5: Chemistry of Nanomaterial
6: Spectroscopic Techniques and Applications
7: Intermolecular Forces and Potential Energy Surfaces
8: Periodic Properties
9: Stereochemistry
10: Molecular Structure and Theories of Bonding
11: Water and Its Treatment
12: Air Pollution
13: Soil Pollution
14: Green Chemistry
15: Waste Management
16: Smart and Intelligent Materials
Appendix: Lab Manual
Subhendu Chakroborty, PhD, is Associate Professor at IES University, Bhopal. Previously, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at National Central University, Taiwan. He has also worked as a researcher at some of India's most prestigious institutions, including the Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow, and the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indore. Prof. Chakroborty has published 37 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 3 books, and 12 book chapters. His research interests and expertise extend over broad areas of nanomaterial, medicinal chemistry, biomaterials, and environmental chemistry.
Susheel Mittal, PhD, is Vice-Chancellor of SBS State University, Gurdaspur. Previously, he served at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology since 1989 and held important positions such as Deputy Director, Dean–Research & Sponsored Projects, Head of School of Chemistry. Dr Mittal has published more than 135 research papers in reputed national and international journals. He has supervised 24 PhD students, 10 ME/M.Tech. (Env Engg), and 28 MSc (Chem) students. His research interests include monitoring and prediction of particulate pollution in ambient air during crop residue burning and its effect on human health, development of whole-cell-based biosensors, and ion-sensitive field-effect transisters (ISFETS) as chemical sensors.
Somaditya Sen, PhD, is Associate Professor at IIT Indore since 2013 and heads the SMART-group, which works on structure correlated physical properties of oxides. He was member of Board of Governors and also served as Acting Dean–Planning at IIT Indore and was an active member in the initial development phase of the institute. Previously, Dr Sen served as Adjunct Professor at MCUT (Taiwan) and is serving as Consulting Professor at KFUPM (Saudi Arabia). He was also a postdoctorate researcher and scientist at National Technological University (Taiwan), UEC (Japan), UWM (USA). Prof. Sen has worked on different beamlines at "APS, ANL", "LANSCE, LANL", "SRC", etc., and has published more than 120 technical papers in journals and several book chapters.