'Provide your students with an applied, practical approach to environmental economic theory that is accessible to both students who have minimal exposure to economics, and students with an advanced understanding of economics. With a strong focus on policy and real-world issues, Callan/Thomas's ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT: THEORY, POLICY AND APPLICATIONS, Sixth Edition, does not compromise economic theoretical concepts, but it does complement economic theory with timely, real-world applications. Your undergraduate or MBA students will gain a clear perspective of the relationship between market activity and the environment. The text integrates a strong business perspective into the development of environmental decision making for a vantage point often overlooked in more conventional approaches. The book emphasizes the use of economic analytical tools, such as market models, benefit-cost analysis, and risk analysis, to assess environmental problems and to evaluate policy solutions. With a proven, modular structure, this edition provides a well-organized presentation with the flexibility to easily tailor the order of presentation and content of the course to your individual teaching needs.
' A flexible, well-organized modular structure that has become the hallmark of this text. Topic-rich yet accessible presentation that supports theory with real-world examples, current data from the private and public sectors, and boxed applications that link theory to reality. Updated URLs provided throughout to encourage independent research. Revised and updated content reflecting domestic and international policy changes, evolving corporate environmentalism, and findings of recent empirical studies. 60 boxed applications that complement the text presentation by illustrating the relevance of economic theory, environmental risk, and public policy. Margin definitions of key concepts and terms placed adjacent to the associated text presentation in each chapter. End-of-Chapter Learning Tools that include a chapter summary, review questions, and additional readings. New review questions added throughout the 6th edition. End-of-Text Learning Tools that include a full glossary and reference list. Revised and updated content through 6e reflect domestic and international policy changes, evolving corporate environmentalism, and findings of recent empirical studies. Updated URLs provided throughout the chapter encourage independent research. Updates on public policy, data, and real-world applications and examples, such as (but not limited to): The Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), Current National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and nonattainment areas, and findings from the latest available National Water Quality Inventory Report to Congress. New topics and expanded topical coverage on policy changes and recent events including (but not limited to): EJ2014, a new U.S. environmental justice strategy Conference of the Parties (COP17) in Durbin, South Africa and Obama's Executive Order 13563 supporting benefit-cost analysis for policy. New or completely revised boxed applications entitled (but not limited to): The Gulf Oil Spill of 2010 Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA): The Second Prospective Study Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR): Successor to the CAIR.
'MODULE I: MODELING ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS. 1. The Role of Economics in Environmental Management. 2. Modeling the Market Process: A Review of the Basics. 3. Modeling Market Failure. MODULE II: MODELING SOLUTIONS TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS. 4. Conventional Solutions to Environmental Problems: The Command-and-Control Approach. 5. Economic Solutions to Environmental Problems: The Market Approach. MODULE III: ANALYTICAL TOOLS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING. 6. Environmental Risk Analysis. 7. Assessing Benefits for Environmental Decision Making. 8. Assessing Costs for Environmental Decision Making. 9. Benefit-Cost Analysis in Environmental Decision Making. MODULE IV: THE CASE OF AIR. 10. Defining Air Quality: The Standard-Setting Process. 11. Improving Air Quality: Controlling Mobile Sources. 12. Improving Air Quality: Controlling Stationary Sources. 13. Global Air Quality: Policies for Ozone Depletion and Climate Change. MODULE V: THE CASE OF WATER. 14. Defining Water Quality: The Standard-Setting Process. 15. Improving Water Quality: Controlling Point and Nonpoint Sources. 16. Protecting Safe Drinking Water. MODULE VI: THE CASE OF SOLID WASTES AND TOXIC SUBSTANCES. 17. Managing Hazardous Solid Waste and Waste Sites. 18. Managing Municipal Solid Waste. 19. Controlling Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals. MODULE VII: GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. 20. Sustainable Development: International Environmental Agreements and International Trade. 21. Sustainable Approaches: Industrial Ecology and Pollution Prevention.
'Scott J. Callan Dr. Scott J. Callan is professor of economics at Bentley University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Texas A & M University. Prior to joining the Bentley faculty in 1987, Professor Callan was a member of the business faculty at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. His teaching areas of interest focus on quantitative methods and applied microeconomic topics, such as environmental economics, managerial economics, and sports economics. He has taught courses in environmental economics and the economics of natural resources at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition to this textbook, Dr. Callan has authored numerous applied microeconomic articles for economic journals including the SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS, and JOURNAL OF SPORTS ECONOMICS. His environmental economics research investigates the demand and supply characteristics associated with the market for municipal solid waste (MSW). He also examines demand-side topics including the impact of pay-as-you-throw programs on waste generation, disposal, and recycling activities. His study of supply-side issues has focused on the extent of economies of scale and scope in the provision of MSW services. His research findings have appeared in LAND ECONOMICS and ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS as well as other academic journals. Recent research efforts have explored the many facets of corporate social performance and its affect on firm behavior. In addition to his many publications, Dr. Callan has reviewed scholarly articles for a wide variety of academic publications as well as research grant proposals for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.   Janet M. Thomas Dr. Janet M. Thomas earned her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in economics at Boston College. After completing her doctorate, she was appointed to the faculty of Bentley University in 1987. She is currently a full professor at Bentley, teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and within Bentley's Honors Program. In addition to environmental economics, Dr. Thomas teaches intermediate microeconomics, industrial organization, principles of microeconomics, and principles of macroeconomics. She has been actively involved in course and curriculum development in environmental economics and has served as coordinator of the MBA Environmental Management Concentration Program at Bentley. Dr. Thomas is an active researcher in environmental economics, corporate social responsibility, sports economics, and other fields in applied microeconomics. Her present research focuses on corporate social performance, corporate financial performance, and executive compensation. In addition to this text, she has published research results in academic journals such as LAND ECONOMICS, CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT, SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS, JOURNAL OF SPORTS ECONOMICS, REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION, and EASTERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. She is a member of the American Economic Association and has served as a reviewer for a number of academic journals and textbook publishers. Dr. Thomas was named Faculty Member of the Year by Bentley's Student Government Organization in 1991. In 1993, she received the Gregory H. Adamian Award for Teaching Excellence. In 1996, she was honored with the Bentley College Scholar of the Year Award, and in 2005 she received the Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award.