Business Analysis Valuation: Using Financial Statements
ISBN: 9788131526644

Financial Statement Analysis
ISBN: 9788131525258

Financial Statements and Analysis
ISBN: 9789355738783
Higher Education
Author(s): Timothy R. Mayes | Todd M. Shank
ISBN: 9789355738073
8th Edition
Copyright: 2018
India Release: 2023
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 560
Trim Size: 254 x 203 mm
Take your spreadsheet skills to a new level of proficiency! Giving you hands-on experience solving real financial problems, Mayes/Shank's FINANCIAL ANALYSIS WITH MICROSOFT® EXCEL® 2016, 8E, equips you with a solid foundation in corporate finance while helping you maximize the tools professionals use every day. Packed with examples, the text covers today's most important corporate finance topics, including financial statements, budgets, the Security Market Security Line, pro forma financial statements, cost of capital, VBA programming, and Pivot Tables. It also offers the latest on time series forecasting and the new Get & Transform feature (formerly known as Power Query), which helps you process large data files. A reader-friendly, self-directed learning approach and numerous study tools enable you to quickly build upon or transfer skills from other spreadsheet programs -- empowering you with the expertise today's employers want.
1. Introduction to Excel® 2016.
2. The Basic Financial Statements.
3. Financial Statement Analysis Tools.
4. The Cash Budget.
5. Financial Forecasting.
6. Forecasting Sales with Time Series Methods.
7. Break-Even and Leverage Analysis.
8. The Time Value of Money.
9. Common Stock Valuation.
10. Bond Valuation.
11. The Cost of Capital.
12. Capital Budgeting.
13. Risk and Capital Budgeting.
14. Portfolio Statistics and Diversification.
15. Writing User-Defined Functions with VBA.
16. Analyzing Datasets with Tables and Pivot Tables.
Timothy R. Mayes
Timothy R. Mayes serves as finance professor at Metropolitan State College of Denver. He holds a B.S. and B.A. in Finance and a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Central Florida. Dr. Mayes' research interests include portfolio performance analysis and reporting, portfolio theory, derivatives and, of course, the use of spreadsheets in financial education.
Todd M. Shank
Todd M. Shank is Associate Dean and M.B.A. Director of the Robert B. Pamplin, Jr. School of Business Administration at the University of Portland in Oregon. In the spring of 2003, he served as a Fulbright Lecturer in China, where he taught corporate financial management in the graduate school at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. Dr. Shank received his Ph.D. from Central Florida. He has worked for the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Comptroller of the Currency as a banking regulator and has been teaching, consulting, and writing for more than 25 years. During that time, he has served on the faculties of three universities, published two textbooks and academic articles in numerous journals, including American Business Review, Global Business and Finance Review, Journal of Foreign Exchange and International Finance, and the Journal of Financial Education. He has received numerous teaching awards, including the University's Teacher of the Year and the Pamplin School's Best Graduate Professor. He also serves on several national panels that promote technological applications in business education.