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Human Resource Development (Print on Demand)

Author(s): Jon M. Werner | Randy L. DeSimone

ISBN: 9788131532188

6th Edition

Copyright: 2012

India Release: 2016


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 678

Trim Size: 254 x 203

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This comprehensive text covers the entire field of human resource development, from orientation and skills training, to career and organizational development. It shows how concepts and theory have been put into practice in a variety of organizations. This sixth edition of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT reflects the current state of the field, blending real-world practices and up-to-date research.

  • CHAPTER-OPENING LEARNING OBJECTIVES, QUESTIONS, AND CASES: Learning objectives and opening questions at the beginning of each chapter help focus attention on key chapter topics. An opening case in each chapter places the contents of the chapter into a meaningful context. A return to the opening case provides closure and shows how the chapter content may be used to address the issues in the case.
  • INTERESTING EXAMPLES, BOXED INSERTS, AND ILLUSTRATIONS: Illustrations, examples, and boxed inserts throughout the book help readers better assimilate the information.
  • KEY TERMS AND GLOSSARY: A list of key terms and concepts at the end of each chapter and an end-of-book glossary provides easy reference to important terms.
  • END-OF-CHAPTER DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: End-of-chapter discussion questions stimulate thought and provide students with an opportunity to discuss and apply the information in the chapter.
  • EXERCISES: Exercises in every chapter provide further experience in applying material from the text or show how the material relates to a real-world setting.
  • COVERAGE OF THE ENTIRE HRD FIELD: Werner/DeSimone's HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT, 6th Edition covers the entire field of HRD (as defined by two different competency studies by the American Society for Training and Development), from orientation and skills training, to career development and organizational development.
  • CONCEPTS, PROCESSES, AND PRACTICES OF HRD: The authors provide a clear understanding of the concepts, processes, and practices that form the basis of successful HRD.
  • APPLICATION OF HRD IN A VARIETY OF ORGANIZATIONS: This edition shows how concepts and theory can and have been put into practice in a variety of organizations.
  • FOCUS ON SHARED ROLE OF LINE MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCE SPECIALISTS: The book focuses on the shared role of line management and human resource specialists in HRD.
  • COMBINATION OF REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS AND RESEARCH: The text reflects the current state of the field, blending real-world practices and up-to-date research.
  • THOROUGH UPDATE: The sixth edition of this book has been updated to reflect the research and thinking on HRD theory and practice that has taken place since 2008. Information from more than 1,200 new sources has been added.
  • UPDATED CASES: New cases include: strategic HRD efforts at Kasikorn Bank of Thailand in Chapter 1; learning and development at Caterpillar, Inc. in Chapter 3; Colliers International in Chapter 6; orientation at the Mayo Clinic in Chapter 8; customer service at Cisco Systems, Inc in Chapter 9; integrative case on wellness efforts at KPMG LLP is included in Chapter 11.; updated case and web assignment concerning global diversity efforts at IBM is included in Chapter 15.
  • UPDATED LEARNING STYLES COVERAGE IN CHAPTER 3: An updated emphasis on individual learning styles and preferences, along with an updated discussion of how technology changes employee learning can be found in chapter 3.
  • NEEDS ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES: Revised discussions of needs assessment activities, especially in relation to changes caused by technological advances can be found in chapter 4.
  • STAKEHOLDER APPROACH TO EVALUATIONS: An emphasis on a stakeholder approach to HRD evaluation, an expanded Kirkpatrick evaluation framework, while maintaining the emphasis on the use of return on investment (ROI) and utility estimates for communicating HRD effectiveness (Chapter 7).
  • UPDATED COVERAGE OF COACHING AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT: In chapter 20 there is a revised opening case on coaching scenarios, plus updated coverage of both coaching and performance management, as well as a new experiential exercise concerning developing performance management competence.
  • CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Updated discussion of the shifts occurring in career development, including the changing employment relationship, new models of career development, team-based career development, learning portfolios, and the individual's responsibility in career development, plus a new career planning exercise called "The five-year resume" (Chapter 12).
  • MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT: There are updated discussions of the nature of managerial work, strategic management development, global management development, competency-based management education, ethics instruction in management education, leadership development (including transformational leadership and experience-based approaches).

PART 1 Foundations of Human Resource Development

Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Resource Development

Chapter 2 Employee Behavior and Employee Influences

Chapter 3 Learning and HRD

PART 2 Framework for Human Resource Development

Chapter 4 How to Assess HRD Needs

Chapter 5 How to Design Effective HRD Programs

Chapter 6 Evaluating HRD Programs

Chapter 7 Implementing HRD Programs

PART 3 Human Resource Development Applications

Chapter 8 Employee Skills and Technical Training

Chapter 9 Socialization and Orientation of Employees

Chapter 10 Employee Counseling and Wellness Services

Chapter 11 Performance Management and Coaching

Chapter 12 Career Development and Management

Chapter 13 Management Development

Chapter 14 Organization Development and Change

Chapter 15 HRD and Diversity: Diversity Training and Beyond


Name Index

Subject Index


Jon M. Werner

Jon M. Werner is a professor in the Department of Management at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He earned his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Michigan State University. His research has covered topics such as organizational citizenship behavior, training, performance appraisal, legal issues in human resource management, and team effectiveness, as well as actions that managers can engage in to build trust between employees and management. Professor Werner is co-author of MERIT PAY, Second Edition (2005), and serves as Co-editor of Human Resource Development Quarterly, and on the Editorial Board of Academy of Management Learning & Education.


Randy L. DeSimone

Randy L. DeSimone is an associate professor in the Department of Management and Marketing at Rhode Island College in Providence, RI. He earned his Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Akron. His research and teaching interests include training, recruitment and selection, work motivation, and leadership.