Intellectual Property : The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents and Trade Secrets
ISBN: 9788131528976
Higher Education
Author(s): Nithyananda. K. V.
ISBN: 9789386668578
1st Edition
Copyright: 2019
India Release: 2018
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 396
Trim Size: 254 x 203 mm
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) have become an essential element of today's management world — not only in its day-to-day activities, but also in specific events like mergers, acquisitions, takeovers, and in financing its operations. Business managers with the knowledge and expertise of IPRs and their management are scarce and are offered premium positions in organisations, not only in India but also in other parts of the world. This book provides an introductory perspective on the various IPRs and their management. It specifically covers aspects of patents, trademarks, copyrights, designs, trade secrets, geographical indications, and protection for integrated circuit layout-designs. In addition to these IPRs, the book covers their management for the benefit of the organisation, using the C-S-E-R framework devised by the author. It also introduces the readers to the international treaties and conventions on IPRs, which have a significant bearing on the IP laws in India and exposes them to the implications of IPRs on the economic development of a country like India. In a nutshell, this book aims to serve as a handbook generally for people from all walks of life and specifically for people from business management interested in understanding the IPRs and their management.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Patents
Chapter 3 Trademarks
Chapter 4 Copyright
Chapter 5 Designs
Chapter 6 Confidential Information
Chapter 7 Geographical Indications
Chapter 8 Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Layout-Design
Chapter 9 Management of Intellectual Property Rights
Chapter 10 Intellectual Property Treaties, Conventions, and Protocols
Chapter 11 Intellectual Property Rights and Development
Nithyananda. K. V.
Nithyananda. K. V. is Assistant Professor in Legal Systems and Finance at the Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli. He earned his Ph.D. from the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, in Intellectual Property Rights and their management. At IIM Trichy, he teaches the core course of Business Laws, along with electives like Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management of Intellectual Property Rights, Business Models for Leveraging Intellectual Property Assets, Legal Aspects of Marketing, and Legal Aspects of Big Data. Most of his courses are positioned at the intersection of the legal system and business management. His current areas of research include IPRs and their management, IPR Policy, Business Models, and Legal Aspects of Marketing. He has about 15 years of teaching, 2 years of industry, and 6 years of consulting experience under his belt. At IIM Trichy, he has been conducting workshops, trainings, and executive development programmes on various aspects of IPRs and their management as well as contract management for working executives from different fields. Currently, he is responsible for the International Relations activities of IIM Trichy.