eBook for International Human Resource Management
ISBN: 9789353500177
Higher Education
Author(s): Peter J. Dowling | Marion Festing | Allen D. Engle
ISBN: 9789386668585
7th Edition
Copyright: 2017
India Release: 2018
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 380
Trim Size: 254 x 203 mm
Now in its seventh edition, International Human Resource Management is established as a market leader that caters to students worldwide. This textbook has developed alongside the field – helping to shape what it is today – and remains a leading International Human Resources Management (IHRM) textbook worldwide. International Human Resource Management provides an academic overview of global IHRM, whilst still remaining close to curriculum developments. This textbook also contains nine in-depth case studies written by the authors and global experts, that provide a range of in-depth applications for all of the major functional areas of IHRM.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 The Cultural Context of IHRM
Chapter 3 The Organizational Context
Chapter 4 IHRM in Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions, International Alliances and SMEs
Chapter 5 Sourcing Human Resources for Global Markets – Staffing, Recruitment and Selection
Chapter 6 International Performance Management
Chapter 7 International Training, Development and Careers
Chapter 8 International Compensation
Chapter 9 International Industrial Relations and The Global Institutional Context
Chapter 10 IHRM Trends and Future Challenges
Case 1: Spanning the Globe
Case 2: Quality Compliance at the Hawthorn Arms
Case 3: Wolfgang’s Balancing Act: Rewarding Healthcare Executives in a Dispersed Yet Integrated Firm
Case 4: Strategic Forecasts and Staffing Formulation: Executive and Managerial Planning for Bosch-Kazakhstan
Case 5: Local and International? Managing Complex Employment Expectations
Case 6: Expatriate Compensation at Robert Bosch GmbH: Coping With Modern Mobility Challenges
Case 7: Balancing Values – An Indian Perspective on Corporate Values from Scandinavia
Case 8: Just Another Move to China? The Impact of International Assignments on Expatriate Families
Case 9: Developing local talent in local markets – the end of expatriation?
Peter J. Dowling, La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia
Peter J. Dowling (Ph.D, The Flinders University of South Australia) is a Professor of Human Resource Management at La Trobe University. He has co-authored a number of books and has written or co-authored over seventy journal articles and book chapters. He serves on the editorial boards of International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of World Business, Management International Review, Journal of International Management, Thunderbird International Business Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Management & Organization and ZfPGerman Journal of Human Resource Research. Peter is President of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM), a Vice-President of the Australia & New Zealand
International Business Academy, a Life Fellow of the Australian Human Resources Institute and a Senior Research Affiliate of the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies at Cornell University. Former roles include past National Vice-President of the Australian Human Resources Institute and editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (1987-1996).
Marion Festing PhD, ESCP Europe, Berlin, Germany
Marion Festing is Professor of Human Resource Management and Intercultural Leadership at ESCP-EAP European School of Management in Berlin, Germany. Her previous appointments include the University of Paderborn, Germany, and she has gained educational, research and work experience in France, Australia, Tunisia, Taiwan, and the U.S. Dr. Festing's current research interests focus on transnational HRM strategies, global careers, and global compensation. Her publications include a book on strategic international human resource management (Strategisches Internationales Personalmanagement, 2e) and a co-authored text on international human resource management (Internationales Personalmanagement, 2e). In addition, she has written or co-authored more than 50 book chapters and journal articles, as well as published in such international journals as Management International Review, Economic and Industrial Demography, European Management Journal, and International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business. Dr. Festing serves on the editorial boards of Career Development International, Journal of Management & Organization, International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, ZFP-German Journal of Human Resource Research, and Zeitschrift Für Management. In 2006, Dr. Festing served as co-chair of the IHRM track at the IFSAM conference in Berlin. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Paderborn.
Allen D. Engle, Sr. D.B.A, Eastern Kentucky University
Allen D. Engle, Sr. is a professor of management in the College of Business and Technology at Eastern Kentucky University, where he has taught courses in management, human resource administration, organizational behavior, organizational theory, and international management. He also has been a visiting lecturer at the FHS - Hochschule Für Technik, Wirtschaft und Soziale Arbeit, St. Gallen in Switzerland, and a visiting professor of international management at the University of Pécs in Hungary. Dr. Engle is a national and regional professional member of World at Work (formerly the American Compensation Association) and the Society for Human Resource Management, as well as a longtime member of the U.S. Academy of Management. His research interests are in the topic areas of compensation theory and practices, leadership and organizational change, job analysis, managerial competencies, and organizational design -- particularly their impact on multinational firms. Published in regional, national, and international academic journals, Dr. Engle has presented academic papers at conferences in the U.S., Australia, Canada, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. He also has consulted for regional firms and presented professional seminars in the areas of performance appraisal systems, executive team building, strategically responsive compensation systems, intercultural management issues and organizational change. He received his D.B.A. from the University of Kentucky.