Used by hundreds of thousands of students since its first edition, INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, 14E, continues to blend the best of its proven, error-free coverage with new innovations. Written for the higher end of the traditional introductory statistics market, the book takes advantage of modern technology—including computational software and interactive visual tools—to facilitate statistical reasoning as well as the interpretation of statistical results. In addition to showing how to apply statistical procedures, the authors explain how to describe real sets of data meaningfully, what the statistical tests mean in terms of their practical applications, how to evaluate the validity of the assumptions behind statistical tests, and what to do when statistical assumptions have been violated. The new edition retains the statistical integrity, examples, exercises, and exposition that have made this text a market leader—and builds upon this tradition of excellence with new technology integration.
- Exercises: The book includes more than 1,300 exercises, many of which are new or updated for this edition. New topics for the book''s chapter-ending case study exercises include "How to Save Money for Groceries," "School Accountability Study: How Is Your School Doing?" and "Are You Going to Curve the Grades?"
- Market leader: The integrity of the statistics and the quality of the examples and exercises keep this text in the bestseller category. Comprehensive in coverage, it delivers a more rigorous offering with traditional coverage of probability. Real data: The first to incorporate case studies and real data, this text continues to set the standard. Many examples and exercises use authentic data sets, helping students see the connections between their studies and their lives.
- Real data: The first to incorporate case studies and real data, this text continues to set the standard. Many examples and exercises use authentic data sets, helping students see the connections between their studies and their lives.
- Quick reference: At the end of each chapter, Key Concepts and Formulas sections provide quick reference for students, helping them ensure they are well prepared for assignments and tests.
- The book's website, includes a Personal Trainer feature that offers further explanation of some of the more difficult concepts through detailed definitions, step-by-step hints on problem solving, self-correcting exercises, and data sets for text exercises. Applets demonstrate key concepts so they are easily visualized, accompanied by exercises that provide practice in the required statistical methods and immediate feedback with answers. An icon in the text margin identifies concepts and applications for which an applet is available on the website.
- Technology Today features at the end of each chapter offer Microsoft® Excel 2010 and MINITAB outputs and instructions, giving students hands-on experience performing statistical analysis with these widely used programs.
Introduction: What Is Statistics?
1. Describing Data with Graphs.
2. Describing Data with Numerical Measures.
3. Describing Bivariate Data.
4. Probability and Probability Distributions.
5. Several Useful Discrete Distributions.
6. The Normal Probability Distribution.
7. Sampling Distributions.
8. Large-Sample Estimation.
9. Large-Sample Tests of Hypotheses.
10. Inference from Small Samples.
11. The Analysis of Variance.
12. Linear Regression and Correlation.
13. Multiple Regression Analysis.
14. Analysis of Categorical Data.
15. Nonparametric Statistics.
Appendix I: Tables.
Answers to Selected Exercises.
William Mendenhall
Robert J. Beaver
Barbara M. Beaver