Higher Education

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Linear Integrated Circuits

Author(s): Muhammad H Rashid

ISBN: 9788131522837

1st Edition

Copyright: 2014

India Release: 2014


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 534

Trim Size: 241 x 181 mm

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This book is aimed at undergraduate students in the fields of Electrical and Electronics & Communication Engineering. It delves into the internal structures and characteristics of integrated circuits (ICs) and their non-linear applications. As semiconductor technology advances, IC packages have become common, and understanding the devices within these packages is crucial for circuit design and future advancements. While discrete circuit designs may eventually vanish, transistor amplifiers will remain essential building blocks of ICs.

  • Combines a “breadth-first” approach to teaching electronics with a strong emphasis on electronics design and simulation
  • Includes excellent examples, real-world design problems, and adaptable approach
  • Helps develop an understanding of the internal structures and limitations of ICs
  • Helps students develop analytical skills and design techniques of ICs
  • Helps student learn design integrated circuits to meet desired specifications
  • Introduces students to the various elements of the engineering design process
  1. Differential Amplifiers
  2. Operational Amplifiers
  3. Introduction to Digital Electronics
  4. Integrated Analog Circuits and Applications

Muhammad H. Rashid

Prof. Rashid is currently professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of West Florida.