Much revered for its friendly and accessible approach, emphasis on active learning, and unrivalled support resources, this edition also has an improved structure to ensure the text aligns even more closely with your course. The new edition incorporates additional coverage of a number of key topics including heterodox theories in economics such as complexity theory; institutional economics and feminist economics; different theories in international trade; game theory; and different measures of poverty.
- A thorough and accessible presentation of all the core principles of economics to help you learn how to think like an economist and develop a clearer perspective on today’s events.
- Learn how academics across the profession are engaged in a lively debate about the future direction of economics as a discipline to enhance your understanding and your critical thinking skills.
- Supplementary mathematics content is provided in a new digital edition of Maths for Economics: A Companion to Mankiw and Taylor Economics to help you apply the maths you need within the context of economics.
PART 1 Introduction to economics
1 What is economics?
2 Thinking like an economist
PART 2 The theory of competitive markets
3 The market forces of supply and demand
4 Background to demand: Consumer choices
5 Background to supply: Firms in competitive markets
6 Consumers, producers and the efficiency of markets
PART 3 Interventions in markets
7 Supply, demand and government policies
8 Public goods, common resources and merit goods
9 Market failure and externalities
Part 4 Firm behaviour and market structures
10 Firms’ production decisions
11 Market structures I: Monopoly
12 Market structures II: Monopolistic competition
13 Market structures III: Oligopoly
14 Market structures IV: Contestable markets
Part 5 Factor markets
15 The economics of factor markets
Part 6 Inequality
16 Income inequality and poverty
Part 7 Trade
17 Interdependence and the gains from trade
Part 8 Heterodox economics
18 Information and behavioural economics
19 Heterodox theories in economics
N. GREGORY MANKIW is the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University.
MARK P. TAYLOR is Dean of John M Olin Business School at Washington University, US, and was previously Dean of Warwick Business School at the University of Warwick, UK.