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Microelectronics Laboratory using Software Tools : Pspice, Orcad, Multisim

Author(s): Muhammad H Rashid

ISBN: 9788131529584

1st Edition

Copyright: 2016

India Release: 2016


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 302

Trim Size: 254 x 203

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The electronics lab has shifted from traditional lab manuals to focus on life-long learning skills for engineers, due to rapidly changing technology and job requirements. The book uses approximate circuit models and computer-aided analysis to minimize mathematical derivations, while computer simulation is essential for evaluating circuit performance and specifications. Open-ended labs are preferred to traditional labs, as they develop problem-solving, critical thinking, reasoning, analysis, and evaluation skills, which are important for innovation and creativity in engineering.

  • The lab assignments meet the Washington Accord/ABET engineering accreditation requirements for using engineering tools and conducting experiments.
  • Objectives and student learning outcomes are identified for each lab assignment.
  • The lab covers diodes, BJTs, JFETs, and MOSFETs with characteristics, biasing, analysis, and design.
  • Instructors have the flexibility to choose from 47 labs to complement theoretical lectures over one to three semesters.
  • Computer-aided simulation is integral to each lab for evaluating circuit performance and meeting design specifications.
  • Open-ended labs develop problem-solving, critical thinking, reasoning, and analysis skills.
  • Each lab is self-contained with a lab report template and references to Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis and Design by M. H. Rashid.
  • The book identifies 13 skills expected from lab experiences and includes a student survey form to assess achievement.


1. Oscilloscope Measurements


2. Diode Characteristics

3. Diode Rectifiers

4. Design Of A Zener Diode Regulator

5. Design Of A Diode Power Supply


6. Characteristics and Biasing Of Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)

7. Design of a BJT Common Emitter Amplifier

8. Design Of a BJT Common Collector Amplifier

9. Design of a Multi-Stage BJT Amplifier

10. Design 0f A BJT CE-Amplifier For Frequency Response

11. Actively-Biased BJT Common-Emitter (Ce) Amplifier

12. Design of Active BJT Current Sources

13. Characteristics of BJT Differential Amplifiers

14. Design of A BJT Differential Amplifier

15. Design of A BJT Operational Amplifier

16. Design of BJ Feedback Amplifiers

17. Design of a Class-AB BJT Amplifier

18. Characteristics of BJT Inverters


19. Characteristics and Biasing of Junction Field-Effect Transistors (JFETs)

20. Design of a JFET Common Source Amplifier

21. Characteristics and Biasing of MOSFETs

22. Design of a MOSFET Common Source Amplifier

23. Design of a MOSFET Common-Drain Amplifier

24. Design of a Multi-Stage MOSFET Amplifier

25. Design of a CS-MOSFET Amplifier For Frequency Response

26. Actively-Biased MOSFET Common-Source (CS) Amplifier

27. Design of Active Biased MOSFE-Current Sources

28. Characteristics of MOSFET Differential Amplifiers

29. Design of a MOSFET Operational Amplifier

30. Characteristics of CMOS Inverters


31. Design of Op-Amp Non-Inverting, Inverting and Difference Amplifiers

32. Design of Op-Amp Inverting Integrator and Differentiator

33. Design of an Op-Amp Instrumentation Amplifier

34. Frequency Response of Op-Amp Non-Inverting, Inverting and Difference Amplifiers

35. Frequency Response of Op-Amp Integrators and Differentiators

36. Feedback Op-Amp Circuits

37. Design of a Sallen-Key Band-Pass Active Filter

38. Design of a Butterworth Band-Pass Active Filter

39. Op-Amp Phase-Shift Oscillators

40. Op-Amp Quadrature Oscillators

41. Design of an Op-Amp Phase-Shift Oscillator

42. Design of an Op-Amp Wein-Bridge Oscillator

43. Design of a Precision Rectifier

44. Design of an Op-Amp Limiting Circuit

45. Design of an Op-Amp Schmitt Trigger

46. Design of an Op-Amp Square-Wave Generator

47. Design of an Op-Amp Stable Multivibrator

Muhammad H. Rashid       

Muhammad H. Rashid is currently employed by the University of West Florida as a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.