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MindTap for Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach

Author(s): Jeffrey M. Wooldridge

ISBN: 9781337675451

7th Edition

Copyright: 2020


Binding: eBook

Pages: 848

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Gain an understanding of how econometrics can answer today's questions in business, policy evaluation and forecasting with Wooldridge's INTRODUCTORY ECONOMETRICS: A MODERN APPROACH, 7E. Unlike traditional texts, this book's practical, yet professional, approach demonstrates how econometrics has moved beyond a set of abstract tools to become genuinely useful for answering questions across a variety of disciplines. The author has organized the book's presentation around the type of data being analyzed with a systematic approach that only introduces assumptions as they are needed. This makes the material easier to understand and, ultimately, leads to better econometric practices. Packed with relevant applications, the text incorporates more than 100 data sets in different formats. Updates introduce the latest developments in the field, including the recent advances in the so-called “causal effects” or “treatment effects," to provide a complete understanding of the impact and importance of econometrics today.

  • UPDATED SCIENTIFIC WORD® SLIDES REINFORCE TEXT CONCEPTS AND LECTURE PRESENTATIONS. Created by the text author, this edition's Scientific Word® slides reinforce the book's presentation slides while highlighting the benefits of Scientific Word®, the application created by MacKichan software, Inc. for specifically composing mathematical, scientific and technical documents using LaTeX typesetting. These animated slides are based on the author's actual lectures and are available for convenient download on the password-protected section of the book's companion website.
  • PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS PREPARE STUDENTS TO USE ECONOMETRICS TO RESOLVE CHALLENGES IN NUMEROUS AREAS OF BUSINESS TODAY. This unique, practical book applies econometrics to actual business problems in a variety of disciplines. The author clearly demonstrates how each method answers a particular issue facing researchers who are analyzing non-experimental data.
  • UNIQUE ORGANIZATION PIONEERED BY THE AUTHOR CLEARLY PRESENTS APPLICATIONS FOR TODAY'S STUDENTS. This complete econometrics text was the first to explicitly cover cross-sectional applications in initial chapters, followed by time series applications, and, ultimately, panel data applications in the advanced chapters.
  • UPDATED DATA SET HANDBOOK MAKES USING THE DATA SETS SIMPLE AND CONVENIENT. This unique online handbook, created by the book's author and available on the book's website, lists all data sets from the latest edition of the text for quick reference. Each data set entry indicates the original source, when possible and lists where the data appears in the text. When applicable, the handbook guides you in using the data set to generate new homework exercises, exam problem or term projects. The author also provides suggestions on improving the data sets.
  • DATA SETS IN DIFFERENT FORMATS OFFER FLEXIBILITY. Introduce students to the information they need to complete assignments using the format you prefer. This edition's more than 100 data sets provide information in different formats: R, Stata®, Minitab®, Excel®, and EViews. Instantly access data in the format you prefer to use while teaching. All data sets are available on the book's companion website. EXPANSIVE DATA SETS OFFER VARIED OPPORTUNITY FOR HANDS-ON PRACTICE. This edition's large and varied data sets, available in different formats (R, Stata®, Minitab®, Excel®, and EViews), give your students practical experience working with statistics in an engaging assortment of real business situations. For your convenience, the more than 100 data sets are available on the book's companion website.
  • COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE ENSURES UNDERSTANDING IN CRITICAL AREAS OF ECONOMETRICS. This edition continues to offer trusted, comprehensive coverage with expanded discussions of prediction after transformation, missing data, unbalanced panel data sets, weak instruments and causal effects.
  • UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FIELD. Today's most recent examples cover the latest advances in econometrics and clearly illustrate how concepts add value to practice in the business world. While the structure of this edition helps ensure understanding, optional short segments demonstrate how to obtain regression models from potential outcomes setting. A new, online-only chapter covers more advanced causal estimation methods, including regression with dummy variables and binary response models, will provide an introduction to other treatment effects methods.
  • Includes MindTap which is an interactive, customizable and complete learning solution. It includes a MindTap Reader and a library of learning apps (e.g., CNOW, Aplia, ReadSpeaker, MyContent, RSS Feed, Progress app, etc.).

1. The Nature of Econometrics and Economic Data.


2. The Simple Regression Model.

3. Multiple Regression Analysis: Estimation.

4. Multiple Regression Analysis: Inference.

5. Multiple Regression Analysis: OLS Asymptotics.

6. Multiple Regression Analysis: Further Issues.

7. Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information.

8. Heteroskedasticity.

9. More on Specification and Data Problems.


10. Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data.

11. Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data.

12. Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions.


13. Pooling Cross Sections Across Time: Simple Panel Data Methods.

14. Advanced Panel Data Methods.

15. Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares.

16. Simultaneous Equations Models.

17. Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections.

18. Advanced Time Series Topics.

19. Carrying Out an Empirical Project.


Math Refresher A: Basic Mathematical Tools.

Math Refresher B: Fundamentals of Probability.

Math Refresher C: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics.

Math Refresher D: Summary of Matrix Algebra.

Math Refresher E: The Linear Regression Model in Matrix Form.


Answers to Exploring Further Chapter Exercises.

Statistical Tables.





Jeffrey M. Wooldridge

Jeffrey M. Wooldridge is University Distinguished Professor of Economics at Michigan State University, where he has taught since 1991. From 1986 to 1991, he was an assistant professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received his bachelor of arts, with majors in computer science and economics, from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1982, and received his doctorate in economics in 1986 from the University of California, San Diego. He has published more than 60 articles in internationally recognized journals, as well as several book chapters. He is also the author of Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, second edition. His awards include an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, the Plura Scripsit award from Econometric Theory, the Sir Richard Stone prize from the Journal of Applied Econometrics, and three graduate teacher-of-the-year awards from MIT. He is a fellow of the Econometric Society and of the Journal of Econometrics. He is past editor of the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, and past econometrics coeditor of Economics Letters. He has served on the editorial boards of Econometric Theory, the Journal of Economic Literature, the Journal of Econometrics, the Review of Economics and Statistics, and the Stata Journal. He has also acted as an occasional econometrics consultant for Arthur Andersen, Charles River Associates, the Washington State Institute for Public Policy, Stratus Consulting, and Industrial Economics, Incorporated.