Marketing Research
ISBN: 9789353504298

Basic Marketing Research
ISBN: 9789355738608
Higher Education
Author(s): Tom J. Brown | Tracy A. Suter | Dr. Atanu Adhikari
ISBN: 9788131530726
1st Edition
Copyright: 2016
India Release: 2016
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 342
Trim Size: 279 x 216
4LTR Press, a Cengage Learning product, is a widely acclaimed concept of learning with a simple approach—creating an innovative teaching and learning solution built around today’s learners and teachers. The idea behind bringing out this series of books is to introduce students and teachers in India to an innovative concept in management studies. Since the launch, 4LTR Press has helped more than 1,800,000 college students at over 2,000 schools succeed worldwide.
MR, a 4LTR Press product, takes into account and integrates the inputs from discipline-specific focus groups, conversations, and surveys and presents the content in a visually engaging page layout, keeping intact the high-quality content instructors need. It adopts a persuasive visual medium and offers a balanced approach, demonstrating the Marketing Research practices to make business decisions. The book aims at enjoyable reading and easy attention using comprehensive pedagogical features.
Chapter 1 Marketing Research: From Data to Information to Action
Chapter 2 The Research Question: Formulation of the Problem
Chapter 3 Exploratory, Descriptive, and Causal Research Designs
Chapter 4 Collecting Secondary Data from Inside and Outside the Organization
Chapter 5 Collecting Primary Data by Observation
Chapter 6 Collecting Primary Data by Communication
Chapter 7 Measurement and Scaling
Chapter 8 Designing the Questionnaire
Chapter 9 Developing the Sampling Plan
Chapter 10 Data Collection: Enhancing Response Rates while Limiting Errors
Chapter 11 Data Preparation for Analysis
Chapter 12 Analysis & Interpretation: Individual Variables Independently
Chapter 13 Analysis & Interpretation: Multiple Variables Simultaneously
Chapter 14 The Research Report
The Research Report
Dr. Atanu Adhikari
Dr. Atanu Adhikari is Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode. He was a Commonwealth Academic Fellow to London Business School in 2013, and was selected as Emerging Scholar in 2011 by Academy of Marketing Science, USA. His current area of research includes consumer choice behavior, experience product marketing, and applications of Bayesian econometrics in marketing research. Dr. Adhikari is actively involved in scholarly academic research and has published his research work in many national and international referred academic journals and edited books published by leading publishers. His research work has been selected and presented in a number of top level international conferences organized by Marketing Science, American Marketing Association, World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Royal Statistical Society and similar academic forums in USA, UK, France, Germany, and Singapore. He has also co-authored a book Business Research Methods published by Cengage Learning. Dr. Adhikari was a visiting researcher to Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, USA. He is a guest faculty to several international business schools. He was a student-fellow member of Royal Statistical Society, London.