Successful Service Operations Management
ISBN: 9788131517734

Operations and Supply Chain Management with MindTap
ISBN: 9789355733962

MindTap for Operations and Supply Chain Management
ISBN: 9780357493601
Higher Education
Author(s): David A. Collier | James R. Evans
ISBN: 9789353503512
6th Edition
Copyright: 2017
India Release: 2020
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 472
Trim Size: 254 x 203 mm
Created after exhaustive research into students’ workflows and preferences, OM6 from 4LTR Press combines an easy-reference, paperback textbook at an affordable price. Extensively revised and reorganized, OM6 content includes a new integrative case that moves from chapter to chapter, with a total of 35 related questions; a new treatment of value chain networks; greater emphasis on supply chain design; an all-new chapter devoted to supply chain management and logistics; and many new feature boxes and cases.
1. Operations Management and Value Chains.
Operations Management. OM in the Workplace. Understanding Goods and Services. The Concept of Value. Customer Benefit Packages. Value Chains. Value Chain Frameworks. OM: A History of Change and Challenge. Key Challenges.
2. Measuring Performance in Operations and Value Chains.
Types of Performance Measures. Analytics in Operations Management. Designing Measurement Systems in Operations. Models
3. Operations Strategy.
Gaining Competitive Advantage. Understanding Customer Wants and Needs. Evaluating Goods and Services. Competitive Priorities. OM and Strategic Planning. A Framework for Operations Strategy.
4. Technology and Operations Management.
Understanding Technology in Operations. Technology in Value Chains. Benefits and Challenges of Technology. Technology Decisions and Implementation.
5. Goods and Service Design.
Designing Goods and Services. Customer-Focused Design. Designing Manufactured Goods. Service-Delivery System Design. Service-Encounter Design. An
6. Supply Chain Design.
Global Supply Chains. Supply Chain Design Trade-Offs. A Global Supply Chain: Inditex/Zara. Location Decisions. Supply Chain Optimization.
7. Process, Selection, Design, and Analysis.
Process Choice Decisions. The Product-Process Matrix. The Service-Positioning Matrix. Process Design. Process Analysis and Improvement. Process Design and Resource Utilization.
8. Facility and Work Design.
Facility Layout. Designing Product Layouts. Designing Process Layouts. Workplace and Job Design.
9. Forecasting and Demand Planning.
Forecasting and Demand Planning. Basic Concepts in Forecasting. Statistical Forecasting Models. Regression as a Forecasting Approach. Judgmental Forecasting. Forecasting in Practice.
10. Capacity Management.
Understanding Capacity. Capacity Measurement in Operations. Long-term Capacity Strategies. Short-term Capacity Management. Theory of Constraints.
11. Managing Inventories in Supply Chains.
Understanding Inventory. Inventory Characteristics. ABC Inventory Analysis. Managing Fixed-Quality Inventory Systems. Managing Fixed-Period Inventory Systems. Single-Period Inventory Model.
12 Supply Chain Management and Logistics.
Managing Supply Chains. Logistics. Risk Management in Supply Chains. Supply Chains in e-Commerce. Measuring Supply Chain Performance. Sustainability in Supply Chains.
13. Resource Management.
Resource Planning Framework for Goods and Services. Aggregate Planning Options. Strategies for Aggregate Planning.
14. Operations Scheduling and Sequencing.
Understanding Scheduling and Sequencing. Scheduling Applications and Approaches. Sequencing. Applications of Sequencing Rules. Schedule Monitoring and Control. Vehicle Routing and Scheduling.
15. Quality Management.
Understanding Quality. Influential Leaders in Modern Quality Management. The GAP Model. ISO 9000:2000. Six Sigma. Cost-of-Quality Measurement. The “Seven QC Tools.” Other Improvement Strategies.
16. Quality Control and SPC.
Quality Control Systems. Statistical Process Control and Variation. Constructing Control Charts. Practical Issues in SPC Implementation. Process Capability.
17. Lean Operating Systems.
Principles of Lean Operating Systems. Lean Tools and Approaches. Lean Six Sigma. Lean Manufacturing and Service Tours. Just-in-time Systems.
18. Project Management.
The Scope of Project Management. Techniques for Planning, Scheduling and Controlling Projects. Time/Cost Trade-Offs. Uncertainty in Project Management.
David A. Collier, Florida Gulf Coast University
David A. Collier was the Eminent Scholar, Alico Chair in Operations Management, at the Lutgert College of Business, Florida Gulf Coast University. Dr. Collier earned his B.S.
James Evans, Carl H. Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati
James R. Evans is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Operations, Business Analytics and Information Systems in the Lindner College of Business at the University of Cincinnati. He has served as president of the Decision Sciences Institute and served for 11 years on the Board of Examiners and Panel of Judges for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. He has been editor of the Quality Management Journal, has been published by the American Society for Quality and has served on editorial boards of numerous other journals. Dr. Evans has published 100 refereed papers and more than 50 editions of leading books in operations management, quality, Six Sigma and business analytics. During the annual Quality Congress in May 2004, the American Society for Quality presented Dr. Evans and co-author Dr. William Lindsay with the Philip B. Crosby Medal for THE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF QUALITY, 5th Edition, also published by Cengage, and now in its 11th edition. The Crosby medal was presented "for authoring a distinguished book contributing significantly to the extension of the philosophy and application of the principles, methods and techniques of quality management."