Higher Education

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Operations Research (Print on Demand)

Author(s): M. V. Durga Prasad

ISBN: 9788131516256

1st Edition

Copyright: 2012

India Release: 2011


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 452

Trim Size: 279 x 216 mm

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'This book Operations Research is a well-organized and comprehensive text to provide an in-depth coverage of the theory and applications of operations research. It emphasizes the role of operations research not only as an effective decision-making tool, but also as an essential productivity improvement tool to deal with real-world management problems. Its coherent presentation and easy-to-understand approach will prove extremely useful to the students. The book helps the aspiring executives understand the importance of making more effective decisions and building more productive systems based on careful predictions of outcomes and estimates of risk and the latest decision tools and techniques. This book will be useful as a text to postgraduate students of management, mathematics and statistics, commerce, and chartered accountancy as well as to graduate students of engineering (mechanical, industrial and production).

' Real Indian cases in selected chapters Easy flow of mathematical approach Targeted group with customer satisfaction Good number of examples Sufficient practice problems
'Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Linear Programming Chapter 3: Duality and Sensitivity Analysis Chapter 4 Special Class of Linear Programming models Chapter 5: Integer Programming Chapter 6: Goal Programming Chapter 7: Analytical Hierarchical Process Chapter 8: Job Scheduling Chapter 9: Network Models Chapter 10: Dynamic Programming Chapter 11: Decision Theory Models Chapter 12: Game Theory Chapter 13: Queuing Theory Chapter 14: Inventory Models Chapter 15: Simulation Appendix
'Dr. M.V. Durga Prasad is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA). He holds PhD in operations research from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He did MSc in mathematics from the Indian Institute of technology, Kharagpur with specialization in operations research and computer science. He has over 21 years of teaching experience in this area. He has taught various courses to students of engineering, science, and management. His core areas of research are mathematical programming, game theory, supply chain management, and logistics. He has published about 30 research articles in various national journals, international journals, monographs, and conference proceedings.