Higher Education

Public Policy in India : Concepts, Ideals, and Realities

Author(s): Neeti Shikha | Garima Yadav | Geetanjali Sharma

ISBN: 9789355739896

1st Edition

Copyright: 2025

India Release: 2024


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 448

Trim Size: 241 x 181 mm

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Public policies significantly impact across business and industry via economic conditions, regulations, research funding, environmental initiatives, social responsibility, health and safety standards, international trade, technology, and many more. Being aware of policy changes, regulations, and government initiatives is vital for business leaders as well as professionals to make informed decisions, adapt strategies, and ensure compliance. Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective—essential for this domain—it focuses on the legal, political, and economic history of India, which serve as a useful background and help to analyse the modern-day policy-formulation process, theoretical foundations of policy-making, and methods of policy evaluation adopted by various agencies.  This text is addressed to not just public policy students, government officials, and enthusiasts but also modern-day professionals who should be aware of public policy-making regardless of their field of expertise.

  • Written in a simple and lucid language
  • Comprehensively covers the syllabi of institutions of higher learning
  • Useful as textbook as well as reference book to students, faculty, and practitioners of law and policy
  • Models and cases to augment the concepts and practices presented, for a clearer understanding of the subject

Part 1   Introduction to Public Policy 
   Chapter 1 Understanding Public Policy
   Chapter 2 Ideological Foundations
   Chapter 3 Policy Analysis, Monitoring, and Evaluation 
   Chapter 4 Policy Implementation, Failure, and Learning: Indian Context
Part 2   Indian Economic Political History 
   Chapter 1 Independent India’s Political and Economic Challenges 
   Chapter 2 Political Environment and Its Impact on Economy in Pre-liberalisation Years
   Chapter 3 Liberalization of Indian Economy and Its Impact on Politics
Part 3   Indian Legal System
   Chapter 1 Indian Justice System
   Chapter 2 Constitutional Principles
   Chapter 3 Administrative Principles Applicable to Public Policy
Part 4   Environment Development 
   Chapter 1 Environment and Development 
   Chapter 2 Environment Management Strategies 
   Chapter 3 Management of Natural Resources and Urban Environment 
   Chapter 4 Environmental Conflicts 
Part 5   Indian Social Structure 
   Chapter 1 Society and Public Policy 
   Chapter 2 Institutions of Society 
   Chapter 3 Social Change and Continuity in India

Neeti Shikha, PhD, LLM, is Lecturer at Bristol Law School, University of the West of England, UK. Previously, she was Lecturer at the School of Law, University of Bradford, UK; and Associate Dean, Indian School of Public Policy, New Delhi. She has been founding Head, Centre for Insolvency and Bankruptcy, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, GoI. She has authored 3 books and published numerous journal articles.

Garima Yadav, PhD, is a visiting faculty at the Department of Cultural and Social Sciences at University of Lucerne, Switzerland. She holds a decade of academic and research experience. She has been faculty at South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University, Germany; SOIL School of Business Design, Gurgaon; Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA; and Ambedkar University, Delhi. She has published several research papers in national and international journals.

Geetanjali Sharma, LLM,  is a legal advisor, certified cross-cultural negotiator/mediator, and policy consultant. Having worked at the intersection of law and public policy, her career involves advising corporations, governments, and non-profit organizations. She has been appointed to several legislative drafting committees and has advised world-largest technology companies on cross-cutting issues of health technology as part of the policy advisory team at India’s largest law firm.  Currently, she is PhD candidate at Wellington School of Business & Government, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.