Business Research Methods
ISBN: 9789353503260

eBook for Business Research Methods
ISBN: 9789353505127
Higher Education
Author(s): Christina Quinlan, Barry Babin, Jon Carr, Mitch Griffin, William G. Zikmund
ISBN: 9789360532338
3rd Edition
Copyright: 2024
India Release: 2024
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 416
Trim Size: 279 x 216 mm
This textbook aims to provide a balanced introduction to research methods for today’s business students by synthesizing rigorous coverage of methodologies with an accessible “real-world” approach.
Part I: Introduction
1. Introducing Business Research
2. Developing Research Skills
3. Understanding Research Ethics
4. Understanding Research Philosophy and The Role of Theory
Part II: Beginning the Research Process
5. The Literature Review
6. Quantitative Research: An Introduction
7. Qualitive Research: An Introduction
8. Research Methodology and Design
9. Understanding Populations and Sampling
10. Writing the Research Proposal
Part III: Data Gathering
11. Fieldwork and Observation
12. Interviews and Focus Groups
13. Surveys and Questionnaires
14. Attitude Measurement
Part IV: Dealing with Data
15. Managing Data and Introducing Data Analysis
16. Analyzing Qualitative Data
17. Analyzing Quantitative Data
18. Completing and Presenting the Research
Christina Quinlan
Dr Christina Quinlan is a social scientist. She has taught research methods to both undergraduate and postgraduate students at Dublin City University for several years.
Barry Babin
Dr Babin is current Chair of the Board for the Academy of Marketing Sciences, former president of the Society of Marketing Advances and past marketing editor for the Journal of Business Research.
Jon Carr
Jon Carr is the Jenkins Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship at North Carolina State University where he teaches courses in new venture planning at the undergraduate and graduate level.
Mitch Griffin
Mitch is a Professor of Marketing at Bradley University
William G. Zikmund
William G. Zikmund, Ph.D., was a professor of marketing at Oklahoma State University until his death in 2002.