Higher Education

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The 8086 Microprocessor:Programming & Interfacing the PC with CD (Print on Demand)

Author(s): Kenneth Ayala

ISBN: 9788131501801

1st Edition

Copyright: 2007

India Release: 2007


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 700

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'Intended for the beginning-programming student taking the first course on the 8086, a 16-bit microprocessor manufactured by Intel. It serves as a companion text to Ayala's The 8051 Microcontroller: Architecture, Programming, and Applications, 2nd (1997). The text has a software programming emphasis and focuses on assembly language geared to IBM PCs. Digital logic design or basic binary fundamentals are prerequisites, but no prior study of computers or assembly language is necessary.
'This text is written for the beginning-programming student.The inclusion of hardware and interfacing makes this more of a microprocessors book Numerous programming and interfacing examples are included.Challenging programming problems and interfacing projects are covered in the text.
' A Short History of Computing.A Review of Binary arithmetic. The 8086 Family Architecture. Assembly Language programming. A Useful Set of Instructions.Procedures.Operating Systems and System Interrupt Services. Convenient and Specialized Instructions. DOS, Disks, and Files. nterfacing to Standard Computer Ports. Interfacing to the Expansion Bus. Single Board Computers.