Higher Education

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The Basics of Social Research

Author(s): Earl R. Babbie

ISBN: 9789392357640

7th Edition

Copyright: 2017

India Release: 2019


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 564

Trim Size: 254 x 203 mm

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This thorough revision of Babbie's standard-setting text presents a succinct, straightforward introduction to the field of research methods as practiced by social scientists. Contemporary examples, such as terrorism, Alzheimer's disease, anti-gay prejudice and education, and the legalization of marijuana, introduce you to the "how-tos" and "whys" of social research methods. With new data, new coverage of online research and other timely topics, and Learning Objectives for each chapter that help you focus on important concepts, this edition continues to be authoritative yet student-friendly and engaging as it helps you connect the dots between the world of social research and the real world.

  • "Applying Concepts in Everyday Life" features show students how a particular logical discussion or research procedure applies to the world around them.
  • Each chapter includes relevant Internet links so students can learn more on their own about topics covered in the chapter that are of particular interest to them.
  • Each chapter has a "Proposing Social Research" section that connects chapter content to the task of developing a research proposal.
  • Thought-provoking "What Do You Think? Revisited" boxes at the end of each chapter explore the same topic as the chapter-opening "What Do You Think?" box.
  • "How to Do It" boxes discuss hands-on topics related to research, including framing a hypothesis, identifying the unit of analysis, and using Google Scholar.
  • "Issues and Insights" box highlights key research studies and findings.
  • Many new sections cover a variety of topics, including mixed mode study designs and a greatly expanded treatment of online surveys and unobtrusive online research.
  • A box prepared by a graduate student working in foreign settings reveals some of the problems that can be faced in the field.
  • A discussion of the Facebook research flap of 2012 illustrates some research ethics issues. There's also expanded coverage of the use of mobile devices for data input by subjects.
  • Each chapter begins with a set of Learning Objectives that are revisited at the appropriate points in the chapter to reinforce students' grasp and retention of the material.
  • This edition is thoroughly updated with GSS (General Social Survey), census, and other data throughout the text.


1. Human Inquiry and Science.

2. Paradigms, Theory, and Research.

3. The Ethics and Politics of Social Research.


4. Research Design.

5. Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Measurement.

6. Indexes, Scales, and Typologies.

7. The Logic of Sampling.


8. Experiments.

9. Survey Research.

10. Qualitative Field Research.

11. Unobtrusive Research.

12. Evaluation Research.


13. Qualitative Data Analysis.

14. Quantitative Data Analysis.

15. Reading and Writing Social Research.

Appendix A: Using the Library.

Appendix B: Random Numbers.

Appendix C: Distribution of Chi Square.

Appendix D: Normal Curve Areas.

Appendix E: Estimated Sampling Error.

Dr. Earl Babbie

Dr. Earl Babbie is the Campbell Professor Emeritus in Behavioral Sciences at Chapman University in Southern California. He taught sociology at the University of Hawaii from 1968 through 1979, took time off from teaching and research to write full time for eight years and then joined the Chapman University faculty in 1987. Credited with defining research methods for the social sciences, Dr. Babbie has written several texts -- including THE BASICS OF SOCIAL RESEARCH -- as well as numerous research articles and monographs. For 25 years he has been active in the American Sociological Association, where he served on the executive committee. He also is a past president of the Pacific Sociological Association and the California Sociological Association. Dr. Babbie received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.