Theories of Personality
ISBN: 9788131525753
Higher Education
Author(s): Sydney Ellen Schultz | Duane Schultz
ISBN: 9788131520772
10th Edition
Copyright: 2013
India Release: 2013
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 498
Trim Size: 254 x 203mm
Schultz and Schultz's THEORIES OF PERSONALITY, 10E, is a comprehensive introduction to the dynamic field of personality theories. The book is organized by theory and covers major theorists in psychoanalytic, neopsychoanalytic, lifespan, trait, humanistic, cognitive, behavioral, and social-learning approaches. It explores the influence of personal and professional events on theory development as well as the impact of race, gender, and cultural issues on personality assessment. Featuring numerous examples, tables, and figures, the book provides a clear understanding of the subject matter. The final chapter integrates previous topics and offers concluding observations.
1. Studying Personality: Assessment, Research, and Theory.
2. Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis.
3. Carl Jung: Analytical Psychology.
4. Alfred Adler: Individual Psychology.
5. Karen Horney: Neurotic Needs and Trends.
6. Erik Erikson: Identity Theory.
7. Gordon Allport: Motivation and Personality.
8. Raymond Cattell, Hans Eysenck, and Other Trait Theories.
9. Abraham Maslow: Needs-Hierarchy Theory.
10. Carl Rogers: Self-Actualization Theory.
11. George Kelly: Personal Construct Theory.
12. B. F. Skinner: Reinforcement Theory.
13. Albert Bandura: Modeling Theory.
14. Locus of Control, Sensation Seeking, Learned Helplessness, Optimism/Pessimism, Positive Psychology, Happiness and Success.
15. Personality in Perspective.
Duane P. Schultz – University of South Florida
Sydney Ellen Schultz – University of South Florida